Chapter 4: Apollo Express and Meeting the Family

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Chapter 4: Apollo Express and Meeting the Family

"Isn't it a little early for that, Percy?" Apollo said winking.

Percy blushed. "I don't think that's what it means," Percy replied.

"Whatever you say, Perce," Hermes said as Apollo continued reading.

Zoe Nightshade was called into her mistress' tent. She was shocked when Artemis returned with the son of Hades, she had been sure the Olympians, or at least Zeus would have killed him. In a rare occurrence, she was actually pleased the boy's life had been spared. He had, after all, jumped over the side of the cliff and saved her life. He also had not even looked in Zoe's direction afterward, let alone ask for a thank you. She was a little curious as to what the boy's story was. The first thing she noticed was the scar that ran the length of his face but that was quickly followed by his eyes. They were different than any eyes she had seen before, mostly black but a small ring of sea green surrounding the irises. While she would admit she found them appealing, what caught her attention was the pain that was carried in them, making them seem like they belonged to someone far older than the boy.

Zoe leaned her head against Percy's chest and placed her hand on his back rubbing circles as he looked down remember that night.

Zoe was brought out of her thoughts by her mistress beginning to speak."Zoe, I am sending you and the hunters to Camp Half Blood. Zeus has ordered me to hunt a monster that has not been seen for millennia." Artemis explained sympathetically.

"But milady, we can help you." Zoe tried to counter but Artemis shook her head.

"Of course you can, but camp is where your help is needed," Artemis said.

"I am sorry but Zeus has ordered me to hunt it alone. I must start my search in places where I cannot bring you girls." She explained.

Zoe frowned but nodded, "I will inform the hunters." She said as she made to stand up but Artemis raised a hand to stop her.

"I have more to discuss with you before you go." She said.
Zoe nodded for her mistress to continue.

"The boy, Perseus, I would like you to make sure the hunters treat him with respect." Artemis explained carefully.

"Oh, she'll treat him with respect all right," Silena said with a wink.

Zoe blushed at Silena's remark.

Zoe's eyes went wide at her mistress' command.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad!" Percy protested.

"Yes you are," Zoe smirked.

Percy playfully pouted, but didn't argue.

Artemis tried to stifle a chuckle at her lieutenant's look of shock, "Relax Zoe, I have not changed my views of boys, but I believe I owe this one a bit of debt.

"You don't owe me anything," Percy shook his head.

He has also seen and been through more horrifying things at the hands of a man than any huntress I have ever had and he went through all of that before he was ten. He may be the one man who would never hurt a woman if it was the last thing he did and for those reasons, he deserves to be treated with some respect from my hunters."

"Thank you," Percy said, looking to Artemis.

Artemis smiled. "I like you, Percy. I will respect you. Although if you ever hurt Zoe, I will have to kill you, slowly and painfully, and trust me, I will take my time as I flay you alive."

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