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I stand in front of the long, full-length mirror in a tiny room about to burst with dresses, rompers, blouses, skirts, and about anything else that Alex's parents could potentially love. 

Way too short. I throw the skirt to my already knee-high DNR pile.

Definitely not my color. The light pink blouse finds itself with the other disastrous choices I've brought into the room.

Too tight. I almost scream and punch them after realizing I may have gone up a pant size.

Too fancy. Why did I even bring a blazer into the room? I'm meeting the parents, not going for a job interview... even though it feels like it considering how much they hated me last time.

I slide a dark green, short-sleeve summer dress over my head and examine myself in the mirror. I do a quick spin, noticing that it doesn't fly up. I put my arms down at my sides and the fabric falls past my fingertips. The material is comfortable, which is a plus. How sad is it that dressing up almost always requires being uncomfortable?

It's too... perfect. 

I pay for my new dress and find myself in the vinyl shop across the way. I have just under six hours until I need to be at Alex's house, might as well find a record that can bring down my nerves as I get ready. I can already imagine myself creating the perfect winged liner on one eye and butchering it at the last second on the other due to a quivering hand. 

I rummage through the store alphabetically and run into so many of my favorite artists. How will I ever choose just one? 

Albert Hammond Jr., my love, I think as I run my hands over his record. Good thing I already have this one. 

Amy Winehouse. Too sad for this moment in time, but I make a mental note to come back for her.

The Fray. Hit or miss, but reminds me too much of Tessa and Hardin and I don't want that type of tumultuous relationship with Alex. It's too intense for real life. 

I'm so focused on what is in front of me that I don't notice who is directly to my right until I run straight into him. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attent-" I halt when I see him, unable to decipher the look on his face. "Attention. I wasn't paying attention." 

Chase. My old friend who currently hates me in this version of events. 

"It's okay, Leah. What are you doing in here?" He's holding a few 90s/early 2000s records in his hands. 

Why does he care? I thought he hated me. Might as well try to form some sort of friendship with the guy if I plan to date his friend for a long time. Please let it actually last this time.

"Umm well I'm meeting Alex's parents tonight and I bought a dress, but I wanted to find a record that might settle my nerves a bit."

His blank expression turns begins to lighten up and I see him trying to suppress a laugh. 

"Don't laugh at me!" I playfully push his shoulder. "They are intimidating and I really want to make a good first impression."

He shakes his head and I instantly regret telling him the truth. I turn away and resume my search for a new record. 

"Hey, Leah, wait. Want some advice for his parents?"

I still don't face him. I keep my head down, pretending to look at the records, but actually trying my best to not let him see me upset. I hate that we used to be such great friends and for some reason he can't stand me this time around. 

"Be yourself," he says anyways. "Alex's family is rich and they know a gold digger when they see one. It's clear that you like him for him, not his money, so just be yourself. They will love you."

I can feel my face turn a deep shade of pink. I turn to Chase. "Thanks, Chase. That is actually really good advice."

"You didn't think I was capable of giving good advice?" he asks with a serious expression on his face. 

Great, I messed up again. "No, that not it, I just thought that you didn't like me and that you wouldn't want to to help and-"

He smiles and his cheerfulness and twinkle in his eye makes me smile in return. "I'm just kidding, Leah. The more you're around me the more you'll catch on to my sense of humor. And here." He hands me a record titled So Tonight That I Might See. "There is a song on this album that always relaxes me and helps me center myself. It's the first one."

Mazzy Star. I've heard of this band but I never actually listened to them. I flip it over and read the first song listed. Fade Into You. "Thank you, Chase. I'll listen to this tonight."

We both leave the record shop and as we approach the parking lot someone runs towards the two of us. 

"Chase!" she exclaims, wrapping her arms around him. "Why haven't I seen you in weeks? We need to make plans ASAP."

"All I do is work these days, but what about one of our famous Friday night game nights?"

She jumps up and down with excitement. "Yes! I miss those!" Then she turns to me like she just noticed I was standing there. "Leah! It has been ages! How have you been?"

Chase looks between the two of us like this is the most bizarre situation to ever happen on planet Earth. "Leah, you know Gabby?"

"Of course she does," Gabby responds. "We had almost every class together in elementary school. I haven't seen her since, but who forgets their childhood best friend?"

"Uh right. We were childhood best friends," I reiterate. My heart sinks. She is supposed to be my lifelong best friend. My roommate. But now we aren't a part of each other's lives at all.

"Whenever Chase and I actually make these plans you should come. It will be like old times." Gabby has the biggest smile on her face and the thought of rekindling our friendship makes it impossible to deny her.

"Yeah that would be great. Just let me know when."

"I gotta go, but we will actually set this up. Chase, give her my number, alright?" Then she dashes off through the mall.

Chase and I make it to the parking lot. "Well I better let you go get ready for tonight. Don't forget that song," he says.

"Thanks again, Chase."

"No worries. See you tonight."

Tonight? Why will I be seeing him tonight?

"Wait, what? Tonight?"

"I must have forgotten to mention it. My parents are super close with Alex's. They are heading over for drinks after dinner and decided to bring me along with them."

Now I'm ten times more nervous than I already was. 

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