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FLASH. I'm kissing his cheek.




FLASH. We both suck in our cheeks to make a duck face.




FLASH. He pulls me on my lap and tickles me.




FLASH. My hands are on his face, pulling him in for a heavy kiss. 

Gabby had the idea for the photo booth and Alex had the means to make it happen.

"Look at us," I say holding the photo strip in my hand. 

Alex points to the snapshot of him tickling me. "Pretty adorable, huh?"

We made it, all the way to Christmas. It has been an adjustment, going back in time and reliving the last year, but to be with Alex again, it is 100% worth it. 

"Hello! Is anyone home?" I run from the backyard through the house to meet her at the door. I've missed Gabby so much over these past few weeks. Yes, we live together, but between my relationship with Alex and her growing romance with Emily we haven't been seeing each other as much as we used to. 

When she walks in, I notice that she brought someone with her. From the amount of times Gabby has described her to me, I automatically know that it's Emily. She has her signature blonde bob and deep brown eyes. 

I extended my hand out to her. "Nice to officially meet you. I'm Leah."

"I've heard so much about you! It's nice to actually see you in the flesh!"

I was worried when Gabby and I started to see less of each other. I didn't want Emily to be the controlling type that didn't let Gabby see her friends anymore, even if it was her roommate. But just now meeting her in person, I know that that's not the case at all. She's the type of girl everyone wants to be around. She's extroverted and immerses herself in people she has just met, making it feel like we have known her for years. She wasn't stealing Gabby, Gabby wanted to be around her as much as possible and I can see why. 

"Let's see those sweaters! You know I was serious when I said you aren't getting in without one right?" Alex's number one rule at his annual Christmas party is that everyone has to be wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. 

They take off their jackets to reveal their matching blue sweaters with an actual stuffed Santa and sled hanging off the front.

"Hmm. Impressive. I like what I see. Now let's go to the back and get some drinks." He grabs my hand while everyone follows. He lines up shots for everyone and on the count of three we all take them. I can already tell this is going to be a crazy night.


The music is blaring and it feels like my whole body is vibrating every time I take a step. Is there a bass system underground? Or am I really that drunk?

I look around the backyard and see that it is completely packed. There are at least 75 people here. Unless I'm seeing double.

"You good?" Gabby asks as she approaches me with Emily and Chase. 

I have to blink a few times to clear the glazed look from my eyes. "Oh I'm good. Actually I'm great. How many people are here? Is it super crowded or is it just me?"

I see the look exchanged between Gabby and Chase.

"I'm gonna get some water," Emily says, looking at Gabby and then to me, her eyes wide.

"That's very nice of you Emily, but I'm fine." My words are slurring a bit but something pulls me back to attention. 

What the fuck?

"What did you say?" I realize Chase is asking me. 

Did I say that out loud? Whatever.

"I hate her." My eyes are giving the death stare to a blonde girl leaning against the bar, engaged in conversation with Alex. 

Chase finds the girl I'm staring at and confusion floods his face. "Jen? You know her?"

Of course I know her. Is he serious? She's the reason Alex and I broke up. She was always all over him and it's starting again. She's putting on a show, playing her game, trying to come in between us. I can feel it. 

I grab a bottle from the table we are standing at, not caring what it is. Any will do. I scour my surroundings for a cup but there isn't a single unused one in sight. Whatever. I'm going to need all of this anyways. I pick up the bottle and hold it to my lips, taking a massive gulp of the poison. I can feel it coursing through my veins, the heat spreading through my body. But the heat from this alcohol doesn't even compare to the fire I feel from watching Jen and Alex together. 

"Woah Leah take it easy," Gabby says, trying to take the bottle from my hand, but I turn away from her, protecting it like it's my child. 

"I know something happened between them." I take another sip.

"Leah, what are you talking about? That's one of Alex's oldest friends." Chase is staring at me, trying to read my mind, trying to understand my brain process. I stare back at him, questioning why he doesn't understand what I'm getting at.

"Last time. It happened last time," I mutter. Did his memory get wiped or something?

"Last time? What are you talking about?"

"Chase." I'm losing my balance. Gabby and Chase come around either side of me, holding me up. "Last time Alex and I were together. Like 2019 next year. Jen came. He left me." My head is so heavy. It drops, pulling the rest of my body down with it. The only thing keeping me up is Gabby and Chase, both of my arms over their shoulders. Gravity is really doing a number on me tonight. 

As Gabby and Chase walk me inside, Emily arrives with the water. "Here, take this."

"No!" I slur, hitting it out of her hands and onto the floor.

And that's when I see him, from the corner of my eye. 

"Leah, are you okay?" he asks, pretending to care. Gabby and Chase set me down on the couch and Alex is sitting next to me, one hand on my leg and the other trying to hold me upright. 

I laugh to myself, barely able to get out my next words. "You're funny."

Alex gives Chase a look and Chase just shrugs. Then he turns back to me. "What?"

"Acting like you care." I burst into laughter again and have to take deep breaths to speak again. "You only care about Jen. Have fun with her," I mumble, unable to speak clearly.

"Jen? I was about to introduce you to her, one of my oldest friends from high school. But not like this." He shakes his head, his face showing clear signs of annoyance. 

Gabby and Emily pick me up from the couch and start walking, almost dragging me to the door. "I think we better get going. Our Leah went a bit overboard."

I can't hear Alex's response because I fade out of consciousness. Everything is black.

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