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As I finish applying minimal makeup in the mirror, minimal because it's so hot and I don't want makeup dripping down my face and because makeup isn't really my thing, I start to get nervous. I somehow get another chance with Alex and I really don't to mess it up this time. I know that if I overthink, things will end just how they did last time, so I tell myself that all thoughts and expectations needs to go out the window. 

After I finish getting ready, I take one last look at myself in the mirror. I'm actually quite impressed. I kept my hair natural, so it's almost stick straight with a few waves here and there. My makeup consists of one swipe of mascara on each eye, a few dabs of concealer to mask any impurities, and some chapstick that I put in my purse for later. If his first kiss is against my dry lips, our relationship will end before it ever begins. For my outfit, a simple dark green tank top and light blue high-waisted shorts. I want to look cute and show off what little curves I have, but I don't want to try too hard to impress him. He's supposed to like me for my personality, right?

My phone beeps and I see his message.


He's right on time to pick me up for the surprise date he has been planning. Normally, I would never let a boy I just met the day prior pick me up from my house for a date, but seeing as I have actually known him for quite some time, I let this rule slide. 

I grab my purse, lock the door, and jog down the stairs to get into his car. Like the gentleman he is, he is already waiting for me outside of the vehicle with his pearly white smile plastered across his face. 

"Hi Leah," he says, giddy with excitement. 

"Hi Alex," I return, blushing so much that my whole body heats up. 

"Ready for the best date of your life?" He opens the passenger car door, allowing me to sit comfortably before closing it for me and then walking around to the other side to get into the driver's seat.

Breathe Leah, breathe. 

"Where are we going?" I inquire, watching as we take side streets to our destination, never once getting on the freeway. We must be going somewhere nearby. 

Alex looks over to me and runs a hand through his hair, his nervous tick that I have caught on to, reminding me that I'm not the only nervous person in the car. "You'll see, we are almost there. Just a heads up, I'm sure you have been here before, but I promise you're going to have the best time here with me."

I smile to myself, loving the confidence that he portrays. "You sure about that?"

"Postive. So positive that I think we should make a bet. If you don't have the best night of your life tonight, you can make do anything you want."

"Anything I want? I think we should set some parameters. Just in case I have the worst night ever and I make you do something really bad."

He laughs as he turns into the parking lot and I instantly know where we are. It's the Orange County Fair.

"Okay okay. So for example, you can make me eat one of those disgusting cheeseburgers with donuts in place of the bun. Or you can make me go on a super scary ride. Or you can make me go in the butterfly exhibit."

"Butterfly exhibit? Why would that be so bad?" I question as we both get out of the car. 

He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. "Oh, I'm deathly afraid of those things. If you feel the need to end this date now, I understand."

I can't help but laugh. I've never heard of an adult deathly afraid of butterflies. But the fact that he is being so open with me about his fears and embarrassing secrets make me adore him so much more. 

I gab ahold of his arm and lean into him. "You're so funny, but also very cute." When I look up at him, he is smiling down at me. This is going to be the best date ever. 


After hours of eating fair food, riding terrifying rides, and visiting the petting zoo, the sun sets and we agree to play carny games before the night comes to a close. 

"Pick out whatever prize you want and I'm gonna win it for you," Alex says, my hand still linked in his, pulling me towards all of the games and showcasing their prizes. "My strength is hand-eye coordination, so anything with throwing or shooting is your best bet. I'll play any game and I won't stop until I get you that prize, but one might cost me a lot more."

I laugh at his blatant honesty and lead him towards a game where you have to shoot water at a target and the bar in front of you raises until it rings a bell. "What about this one? I want the pink dinosaur."

He pays the carny, for two seats, one for him and one for me. "Great choice Leah. I figure with both of us playing we have a better shot at winning the big pink dinosaur."

As the seats fill up, I notice Alex is practicing for the big win. He closes first his right eye to focus, and then switches to his left, trying to feel out which view is more accurate of the target. When he sees me staring he gets serious. "What? I need to win the best prize for the best date."

The carny begins the countdown.





As soon as I pull the trigger, my water gun isn't on target and I know it's a lost cause for me. When I look over, Alex is completely focused on the task at hand, not noticing anything going on around him. It is like he is in his own little world. I see his bar racing to the top, looking to be tied up with the guy a few seats down from him. 


"We have a winner!" the carny calls out, stopping right in front of Alex's seat. "What will it be?"

I'm so excited that I start clapping and jumping up and down. "You won!" I yell, putting my hands on his shoulders and shaking them.

Alex points at the prize I've had my eye on. "I'll take that big, pink dinosaur please."

Once the Carny hands Alex the prize, he gives it to me. "I think that was the best way to end our first date, right?"

I hug the pink dinosaur to my chest. "Hmm, it was close, but I have to say it wasn't the best night ever."

Alex's smile falters. "Alright. Since I didn't make this your best night ever, you can make me do whatever you want. But please, I beg you, please don't make me go in the butterfly exhibit."

"Kiss me," I say. 

Alex's eyes get wide, completely shocked at my request.

"You said I can make you do whatever I want, so kiss me."

Alex doesn't need to be told a third time. He walks over to me and places his hands on either side of my face. As we move our faces as close as they can get without touching, I swear I can hear his heartbeat. Or maybe it's mine. The thumping of my chest makes my whole body shake, but his hands are there to steady me. As he moves his head closer and gently presses his lips to mine, a sudden surge of heat flushes through my body. His lips are soft, but are getting hungrier by the second and I let this bet turn into so much more than I expected. 

As he pulls away, I feel a longing in my stomach for more. I need more of Alex. 

"Now this is the best night ever."

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