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"So, movie night tonight?" Gabby asks when she gets home from work.

"Woah. Gabby wants to hang out with me? Are you sure?" I joke, acting like I am the chosen one.

Gabby just shakes her head and laughs. "I'm gonna shower and by the time I come out we need Chinese take out orders and Netflix open."

"Yes, ma'am," I salute and then dial the number to our favorite Chinese restaurant.


After we finish our movie, our favorite, She's the Man, and a glass of wine, we determine our next move.

"Call Alex," Gabby insists. "Believe it or not, I miss having the guys around. Especially hearing Chase's stupid jokes."

I look at Gabby, completely shocked at her admission. "Hmmm interesting."

"What? What is so interesting about that?"

I pour another glass of wine and take a sip. "You miss Chase?"

"Oh come on Leah not like that. I'm with Emily, remember? But I miss having all the guys and girls around all the time."

"I know, I know, I'm just kidding. But I'm still holding onto my dream that one day we will be dating best friends."

"Give it a few months. Soon Emily and Alex will be like this." Gabby crosses her fingers, portraying Alex and Emily becoming best friends.

I grab my phone and dial his number. He picks up on the third ring.

"Leah! This is sooo awesome. I miss youuuu." He's definitely drunk, but also very cute.

"How is it so far? What have you guys been up to?"

"Oh you knoww. Surfing and stuff. And now drinking and stuff. Like guy stuff, you know?"

Gabby and I burst out laughing. He is so drunk and in total dude mode.

"Put Chase on the phone!" Gabby shouts through the phone.

"No can do. He's with a lady right now."

And then I hear it. "Alexxxx come here." It's a girl's voice.

"I gotta go, ladies. I lovee youuu LeLe."

"Yeah love you too, Alex." I hang up.

I feel the heat rushing to my head and my hands sweating. Gabby senses my anger and steps in.

"Hey, don't be like this. You can't assume anything."

I throw my hands up in frustration. "Can't assume anything? They are hanging out with a bunch of girls, Gabby! And he is super drunk!"

"Leah, please just sleep on it before you do anything."

And at that I walk straight to my room and fall asleep.


I wake up the next morning still heated from the night before. The only thing I can think to do is call him and clear the air.


"Alex? Are you there?"

"Yeah sorry I just woke up. I have a gnarly headache."

"How was last night? With the girls," I add, getting straight to the point.

"Leah, can we please not do this? I don't want to argue with you."

"Why can't we talk about it?"

"Because I didn't do anything wrong! I was just hanging out with my friends and we met some other people. Am I not allowed to hang out with people of the opposite gender?"

Of course he can, but last night just seemed fishy.

"Things just seemed off last night."

"Leah, we just talked about this. Please trust me."

"I do. Have fun."


Well that didn't settle things at all.

I scroll though my phone and find myself on social media. I hate using these apps, but when I get bored I can't help but see what everyone else is up to. Amy is killing it in New York, just as I expected. Gabby seems to be out to lunch with Emily. And Chase is in Mexico, hanging out with a bunch of girls. With Alex.

I screenshot the picture and send it to Gabby, trying to legitimize my worries from the night before.

Gabby replies almost instantly.

Leah. Breathe. Wait until he gets home.

But I can't. I send the same screenshot to Alex.

Within a few minutes he responds.

We will talk when I get home.


When Alex comes home a few days later, we agree to meet at my apartment.

When I hear the knock, I open the door and let him in, not giving him a hug, just leading him to the couch.

"Hi," says.


"We need to talk."

"I know," I exhale, waiting for the bad news to come. Waiting to hear that he cheated on me and that he is so so sorry and hopes that I can forgive him.

He does his typical run of hands through his hair, indicating to me that he's nervous. "I don't think I can do this anymore."

What? Is he serious right now? "Why? Did you meet someone else in Mexico?"

He shakes his head, frustration building in his expression. "This. This is why I can't be with you anymore. You think the worst of me."

"Alex, I base my judgment on the information I am given. You were with girls the entire trip and you're breaking up with me because you can't do this? Maybe I am the one who can't do this. Maybe I am the one who should be breaking up with you."

He stands to leave and I let him. I stay seated and watch him walk to the door.

He turns back one last time as he opens the door. "I can't believe this is how we are ending." Those are the last words he speaks to me before walking out of my life.

I feel the tears dripping down my cheeks as I let out a small scream of frustration. Of course this is how it ends. He's still the same guy I met the first time. The same guy who can't be satisfied with one girl in his life.

A ringing brings me out of my current state. I reach across the couch to grab my phone.


Why is Chase calling me? I'm utterly confused, but I answer anyways.


"Leah, what the hell happened over there?"

"Aside from Alex coming over to dump me because he cheated on me?"

"You realize that Alex is crying over you right now? Alone in his room? He locked me out."

"So? I should be the one crying, not him."

"Wow, I didn't take you for the heartless type."

"Is this all you wanted to say to me, Chase? Because I'm not having it right now."

"No, it's not. I called to explain the situation. Alex never cheated on you. The whole entire trip he was telling his friends how much he loves you. Any time a girl approached him, he made it clear that he had a girlfriend that he loved more than anything at home. He's heartbroken that the girl he loves doesn't trust him."

What the hell did I just do?

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