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When I wake up the next morning I'm not startled one bit. I know exactly where I am when the sun peers through the window and shines directly across the small guest bed in Amy's New York apartment. I know that Amy is making me breakfast across the apartment in the kitchen. I know that I have one more chance to make the boy on the plane fall in love with me. 

"Leah we have to leave in five! You can eat your bagel on the way to the airport!" 

"Coming!" I yell from the bathroom, quickly touching up my minimal makeup and fixing any kinks in my hair. One more chance I say to myself in the mirror. You can do this. 

We arrive at the airport and Amy hops out of the driver's seat to pull my luggage out of the trunk, not caring that there's a street full of cars honking at her. 

"I got it Amy, I don't want your cause of death to be road rage." I grab the suitcase from her hand and give her a quick hug good-bye. 

"Oh I don't care, their focus will be on another bad driver in approximately two minutes. They will forget all about me." She flashes me a smile as she gets back in the car and waves to me through the window. "I love you!" she calls out before pulling away. 

I make it through airport security in record time and sit down at my gate while I wait to board. I pull out my phone and scroll through social media to get my mind off of how uncomfortable these chairs are and how they probably haven't been wiped down since they were installed. Gross. 

When first class is announced to begin boarding I look up from my phone to try to find a familiar face. About three rows to my left I spot messy surfer hair and piercing blue eyes. Alex. And right next to him, darker hair a bit more in order, is Chase. I catch myself staring and when Alex's eyes quickly flicker over to mine I dart mine in another direction. I can't give them prolonged stares. They have no idea who I am. Play it cool. 

When economy is able to board I quickly run to the front to avoid running into the boys. In the past we met while I was already seated. I don't want to start things off on a different note, a note that can change the potential of a future together. 

After I walk down the aisle, knocking pretty much every seat on the way down with my suitcase and profusely apologizing to every passenger on my flight, I lift my heavy suitcase and place it in the overhead compartment and sit down on old reliable seat 23A. 

I unzip my backpack and pull out Normal People by Sally Rooney, again, keeping things consistent with the other times I have gone back in time. This book seems to be an easy way for Alex to initiate a conversation with me. I flip open to a random page, since this will be my third time reading this book, and let my eyes peer over the top to watch Alex walk down the aisle. 

I spot both Alex and Chase, noticing that they are having a small argument. It's hard to hear but the way Chase keeps pointing to his ticket unfolds context clues to the situation. 

"But that's my seat, see, right here, 23B." 

"Yes I see that but I want to sit there. Let me sit there Chase, please." 

I zero in on the ticket and that's when it clicks. Chase Holland. 23B. And I am 23A. 

Oh. My. God. 

No. No way. This can't be true. 

But suddenly, it all makes sense. 

Last time I went back in time, Chase was upset in the airport. When Alex introduced me to him, Chase stood by the wall, arms folded, not interested in talking to me or Alex. 

Then at Alex's party. My conversation with Chase in the bedroom. 

"Maybe I saw you first."

This changes everything.

"Alex, that's my seat. I want to sit in my seat."

Alex refuses to let Chase pass him, blocking the aisle and causing a commotion with the other passengers. 

"Excuse me," the flight attendant approaches them, "You need to find your seats." 

"Chase, I'm not moving until you give me that seat." 

Chase takes one final look in my direction before giving up his seat to Alex. 

"Normal People." Alex's voice brings me back to reality. "How is it so far? Pretty normal?"

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