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"You need to wear this tonight," Gabby says as she pulls a blue dress off of a clothing rack. "It's so you, plus it makes your eyes pop." 

My heart warms when she picks this one out for me because it is the same dress my dad picked out for me before all of this time travel nonsense. This is just another reminder that there is a reason Gabby and my dad are the closest people in my life. They both know me better than anyone.

"I love it. Hopefully Alex will too." I grab the dress and walk to the fitting rooms. Gabby follows behind me and sits outside of my room so I can try it on for her. Whenever the two of us shop together we refuse to buy anything unless we both agree on it. 

Gabby's muffled voice comes through the door as I pull the dress over my head. "So who is coming tonight? Me, your dad, and Alex? No Chase?" 

I'm lucky to have a wall between the two of us so she doesn't see my reaction to hearing Chase's name. I haven't seen him in well over a month and I don't plan on it any time soon. It was too confusing with him around and I know that we made the mature decision to stay away from one another. 

"No Chase. I just want something small and intimate with the most important people in my life." 

Gabby's lack of response makes me feel better. It lets me know that she supports my decision. I open the door and show her the dress. Light blue with thick straps that comes right above my knees.

Her eyes light up and she nods her head. "Oh yeah. You're definitely buying this. Birthday girl is about to show everyone up at dinner."


The doorbell rings and my mouth begins to water because I know it is the sushi platter I ordered for dinner. Because of my dad's declining health, I decided on delivery, that way he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of making dinner and he could stay comfortable at home. I accept the platter and as I'm closing the door, Gabby runs up to the porch right before it is shut. 

"Wow Gabby, you're early. This never happens. Are you okay?"

"Ha ha, very funny. Just wanted to make your day extra special by blessing you with a little more Gabby in your life." I laugh as she grabs the platter from my hands and sets it on dining room table. "Here," she says, handing me a gift bag. "I found the perfect gift."

I open the bag and find a polaroid camera. Tears immediately sting the corners of my eyes because I know exactly what it is for. Gabby has been by my side throughout the entirety of my dad's declining health. She wants me to capture every second I can with him. I wrap my arms around her and she holds me tight. When I pull away, she wipes the tears from under my eyes. 

"Don't cry, not today, okay? Today is all about you and I want you to be happy." I nod and give her another quick hug. 

"I'm going to wake up my dad, I'll be right back." Gabby gives me a reassuring nod and I walk to his bedroom to find him fast asleep. 

"Dad." I shake his shoulder and his eyes slowly flutter open. "It's almost time for dinner." 

"Hi sweetie," he says as he sits up and a smile spreads across his face. "Happy birthday." He pulls me into a hug and I sit next to him on the bed. "What time is it?" 

"It's almost 7:00."

"At night?" His eyes are full of guilt as he looks at the clock and back to me. "I almost missed your birthday. I'm so sorry Leah, I didn't realize I was asleep for this long."

"Dad, don't, please. I'm not mad. I'm excited for us to have dinner together. Gabby is here, right out there in the kitchen. Are you well enough to get dressed and sit at the table?"

"Anything for you. I'll be out in five minutes, okay?"

I nod and meet Gabby in the kitchen. She set the table for four and is beginning to open the sushi platter. 

"Leah? Where is Alex?"

"Umm not sure, he said he would be here at 7:00. I'm going to call him."

I dial his number and wait for him to pick up. He has been acting strange lately, distant. The last couple of times I have tried to hang out with him he has bailed or already had plans.

"Alex, let's get lunch with my dad today. He misses us and today is the best he has felt in the last few weeks."

"Sorry, Leah. I told the guys I would surf with them."

"Do you want to come over tonight? I've had a really long work week and all I want to do is binge watch TV with you."

"Chase and I planned to go out with the guys. How about next weekend?"

Alex's phone goes to voicemail and my stomach sinks. Why isn't he responding? It's my birthday and he promised he would be here. 

"So?" Gabby gives me a questioning look. 

"He didn't answer," I say, not making eye contact. I know what she's going to say. She has noticed him pulling back and her initial, positive view on him was quickly changing. 

"We don't need to discuss this today, but we need to have a serious conversation about the direction of this relationship, okay? He's not treating you the way you deserve to be treated."

"I know." 

When my dad walks out of his bedroom we close the conversation and sit down for dinner. 

"Where is Alex?" my dad asks as I add salmon and yellowtail to his plate. 

My phone vibrates on my chair and I see him name on the screen. Speak of the devil. I open the message.

I'm so sorry Leah. Something came up for work so I won't make it to dinner. Happy Birthday babe xoxo

"He won't be coming tonight." 

My mind goes back to the first time we dated, when he skipped my birthday dinner. I was wearing this exact dress, sitting with the same people. And my heart is breaking just the same. 

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