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My first steps into the hospital immediately transport me back to when I brought Chase to the hospital after his dad's heart attack. When he died. I hope that going back in time reversed his death. I make a note to gain information on Chase's family. To see if he is happy, or if half of his heart is missing. 

My body freezes up as I step through the threshold between my dad being healthy or him potentially being sick. The cold air that fills the building after I enter the automatic doors stops me in my tracks. My stomach is churning and my legs feel like jello. My breath hitches in my throat when I see the white tile flooring and smell the sterile air. Gabby holds onto me, guiding me to the front desk.

"We are here to see David Adams," Gabby informs the woman behind the desk.

"We are only accepting family at this time," the woman, strict but with a warm aura, tells us.

"This is his daughter. She needs to see him."

"Room 3125, third floor. The elevators are down the hallway on the right."

My heartbeat increases dramatically as Gabby pulls me down the hallway. "Hey, it's okay. It's just testing, nothing to worry about. I can't go back with you, so call me when you're ready to go, okay?"

I nod, not able to find any words. Then I hit the up button and pile into the elevator with the rest of those who are visiting family members. 

I slowly approach the door with "3125" plastered beside it. Deep breaths Leah, take three slow, deep breaths. 

Once I find the strength to push the door open, I put a fake smile on my face as to not worry my dad. As soon as he sees me, we are both pleasantly surprised. 

"Honey, I didn't know you were coming, the doctor is about to discharge me." I run up to him, wrapping my arms around him, never wanting to let go. 

"So you're okay? What's going on?" I plead, needing to know that he will be okay, that he will remain by my side for many more years to come. 

"Remember when I told you about feeling dizzy? And the headaches I have been encountering on a daily basis? I just wanted to get checked out, make sure I'm good as new." He's rubbing my back, comforting me even though I should be comforting him. He is the one in the hospital. The one who has been undergoing testing for weeks when I have been enjoying the wild nights in New York. My guilty conscience is making my body weak. 

"What are the results? What did the doctor say?"

"They will get back to me in a few days, but for now I can leave. Let's get lunch, okay? And not worry about any of this. Me, you, and Gabby. She has been driving me back and forth since you left."

I nod and let relief flood through me. Things are exactly as they should be with Gabby. I could barely stand the thought of losing her again, not having a past history of remaining best friends from elementary school all the way through our young adult lives and beyond. Especially if anything bad happens with my dad. There's no way I can possibly deal with losing both of them. I text her as my dad and I walk out of his room, through the icy hallways, and out into the warm, summer air. 

Gabby picks us up outside of the hospital and drives us to our "normal" lunch spot that I don't know about. Apparently the three of us have been eating at this spot since my dad picked us up after school back in our elementary days. 

"Honey, what are you thinking of ordering?" My dad asks. 

I take a few seconds to develop an appropriate response considering I have no idea where we are going. "Umm, I think I'm going to need to look at the menu."

"You good, Leah? You've had the same order for years," Gabby interjects. "If it ain't broke don't break it, am I right?"

Of course she knows my order. Everyone knows it except for me. "Just in the mood to try something new, I guess." This response seems to put the conversation to rest and lowers my anxiety about my unknown past in this version of reality. 

Our server leads us to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, underneath a dim light that creates a cozy, homely feel to the place. I slide in next to Gabby on one side while my dad sits across from us. 

"Three waters and two root beers please," my dad responds when the server asks for our drink orders. 

I continue to read through the menu as Gabby and my dad try to engage me in conversation, clearly not needing their menu after years of attending this burger joint. After I decide on a spicy, crispy fried chicken sandwich, I answer any question they have about New York. 

"How is Amy?" Gabby asks. "I haven't seen her in years. Is she going to stay there forever?"

I take a sip of my root beer and give her the low down. "She's good. She's going to stay in New York for the foreseeable future because of her job as a buyer at Saks Fifth Avenue and her new boyfriend." 

"Of course she has a hot New Yorker boyfriend," Gabby adds. I know exactly what she means by that. Starting in high school, Amy became the "it girl" because of her looks and ability to interact with boys before the rest of the girls in our class felt comfortable. We loved her that much more because she stuck with us instead of falling into the "popular" crowd. 

Our server interrupts the conversation to take our order. When I order a spicy fried chicken sandwich, I am immediately put at ease with my dad's response. "I thought you were going to try something new? But nothing wrong with sticking to what you know best." 

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Adams, but I need to further interrogate your daughter on the happenings of New York City."

My dad lets out a laugh, tells Gabby to call him Dave or David, as he normally does, and lets her shine the light on my trip. 

"So Amy met a guy. What about you? Any New Yorkers in their expensive suits, perfectly styled hair, and pockets full of cash?" I look at her with a smile and shake my head, but the redness creeping up my neck and dispersing across my face gives me away. "Oh my god, Leah. You found your Chuck Bass, didn't you?" She's acting like I didn't just tell her about Alex this morning. This is one her ploys to get me to spill to my dad. 

I look down at my lap and crack my fingers, a habit I have obtained through my plethora of uncomfortable situation throughout my life, and when I look up my dad is smiling back at me. Because my mom wasn't around for my coming of age moments, my dad took them head on, creating a comfortable bond between the two of us so I can share with him what daughters usually share with their mothers. 

"Umm I wouldn't say he's my Chuck Bass considering I just met him," not really, I've dated him three times already, potentially four if he ever contacts me, and we are perfect for each other, "but he definitely has potential."

Gabby's eyes are wide in shock and she sticks her jaw out, pushing me to spill all of the details. 

"I sat next to him on the plane and we exchanged numbers, nothing special."

Gabby continues to ask questions, digging deeper for more information on my new mysterious plane man. "Well when are you going to meet up with him?"

"Well that would only happen if he decides to get in touch, which he hasn't yet," I explain, both Gabby and my dad nodding as if I just developed some groundbreaking data on love and dating. 

And suddenly, as if I am given a sign from the universe, my phone vibrates on the table and his name lights up on my screen. Gabby reaches across me and picks it up, a wide smile forming on her face. "Alex, huh? Now what can he possibly want?" She winks at me, making my face turn red all over again.

I know we just met this morning, but I couldn't wait to text you. Drinks tonight?

"He wants to get drinks. Tonight."

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