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Today is the big day: Alex's birthday party. And I am stressing a lot more than I should be, but it is only because I really want this to be his best birthday yet. I took a half day at work so I can meet Chase, Emily and Gabby at the house to decorate and make sure everything is perfect for when Alex arrives home after work. 

Chase and I are outside in the backyard putting tablecloths on every eating space, stacking plenty of plastic cups and plates, and stringing lights back and forth throughout the yard, over the jacuzzi and mingling spaces. 

Chase is on a small small ladder with me at the base holding it steady when my phone vibrates in my pocket. "Hey Gabby, what's up?"

Her muffled voice comes through the phone. It's shaky, like she's running and out of breath. "Okay so the food will be at the party, but it's going to take another 30 minutes. Don't stress, just know that Em and I are not going to be able to help decorate much."

Panic immediately begins to take over, but I force myself to talk deep breaths before it consumes me. Chase is on the ladder, eyeing me, trying to understand what is going on. 

I move the phone away from my mouth and inform Chase of the current situation. Then I talk into the phone to Gabby. "Okay, that's fine. Just try to be here before the party starts. Is the cake going to be okay?"

I didn't realize that I was pacing back and forth until Chase called my name, the ladder wobbling under his feet as he reaches higher to finish stringing the lights. "Leah! Hold the ladder! I don't Alex's birthday to involve a trip to the hospital to visit me."

I run to the ladder hold it still. "Sorry Chase, I didn't even realize that that I let go."

Gabby's voice brings me back to our conversation. "Yep, I already have it. The food is just at the other location across town. Apparently orders for over 25 people go through their other location, but no one actually told me that."

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Just get here as soon as you can, okay? And thanks for getting all of the food. You're a lifesaver."


At around 6:30 Alex's friends started to pour in, bringing gifts that I take from them and put upstairs. I don't want a stack of gifts downstairs to give away the essence of surprise. 

Bennett, Ryan, Haley, Luke, and Jen come together as a group, giddy to reunite for the first time since the bonfire. As they come through the sliding glass door to the backyard, their faces light up. 

"This is sick!" Ryan says as he stares up at the lights and at the tables full of food. "Do we have to wait for Alex to eat?"

Haley grabs his hand and pulls him away from the food table. "Did you really just ask that, Ry? Of course we are waiting for the birthday boy." She rolls her eyes and flashes me a smile. "This is incredible, Leah. Alex is really lucky to have a girl like you."

Her kind words fill my body with warmth. It's really nice to receive words of encouragement from your boyfriend's friends. It makes me wish I spent more time with them. Luckily after tonight I'm sure we will be closer than ever. 

Jen walks with Luke and Bennett towards the jacuzzi, feeling the water and watching the steam rise from the surface. "And a hot jacuzzi. Leah really does know how to host a party. Good work, girl." Jen gives me a nod of approval and I smile. I'm still uneasy around her, considering she got in the way of my relationship with Alex the first time we dated, before any of this back in time business started. But she seems like a completely different girl in this new reality. I have to let go of the past because this is a new timeline, a timeline where she doesn't feel the need to rub up against my boyfriend. 

After the rest of the guests arrive, I direct everyone to the living room and explain their part in the surprise. 

"Can I get everyone's attention please!" I raise my voice, but I can't quite match the crowd. 

Chase stands on the couch, peering over the crowd. "Everyone listen up!" He beckons me over to him and helps me into a standing position next to him. "Leah is going to explain what is going to happen next."

Everyone is staring at me and I feel the need to drink a gallon of water to cool me off and clear my throat. "Okay everyone. It is currently 6:52 and Alex is coming home from work at 7:00. I want this to be a true surprise, so in 3 minutes, I am going to turn off all of the lights and we are going to get low so he can't see us through the door. No talking, no moving. Does everyone understand?"

A muffled yes escapes the crowd and everyone is nodding their heads. "Until he gets here, make yourselves comfortable. There is a keg and multiple ice chests full of drinks outside. When we come back inside, just try not to spill."

At my announcement, everyone went outside to fill their cups before we sit in a dark silence to await Alex's arrival. 

My phone pings in my hand. It's Alex.

I'll be home in five. Wanna come over and we can order dinner and watch a movie?

He has absolutely no idea that all of his friends are here to celebrate him tonight. Perfect. 

I run towards the backyard and stick my head out the glass door. "He's almost here! Hurry!" A stampede of his closest friends rush through the door and take their spots on the ground, behind walls,  and pretty much any other piece of furniture or bend in the house that can conceal them. I run towards the front door and turn off the lights, positioning myself on the bottom step of the stairs directly adjacent to the door. 

I can hear the jangling of keys as they are inserted into the lock. My heart is racing, my face a bright red that is thankfully concealed by the dark. In a few seconds, Alex will be completely shocked, stunned that everything that was done here tonight is all for him. 

The door knob twists and the door just barely opens. My eyes have adjusted to the dark and I can barely see his fingers feel for the light switch on the wall. The second the lights flip on, a booming "SURPRISE" makes its way through the house and stops Alex dead in his tracks. 

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