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"What's his name again? Alvin? Like the chipmunk?"

My dad always acts this way when he knows I'm seeing a guy. I don't think he quite understands that I'm all grown up, a college graduate with a real job living with a roommate. Or he understands but wants to pretend that I'll be his little girl forever. I understand though, we are each other's only family and if he feels the need to be my protector, I'm okay with letting him keep that role. 

I continue to play with my food, sticking my fork into my spaghetti and twisting it until I get a portion that I am able to fit into my mouth, but I don't actually take a bite. I keep it on my plate, picking at it because I'm too nervous to eat. I need to know how my dad really feels about Alex before my appetite comes back. 

"It's Alex, not Alvin. And he's from Laguna Beach. He has a house there with his friend, Chase. And he started his own surf business, designing and shaping boards." My gaze stays on my food, only looking up once I have given my dad details on the boy who is dating his only daughter. 

My dad takes a bite and then adjusts his glasses. "Well that's great. I like that he seems to have a bright future ahead, but that's not the most important thing to me. How does he treat you?"

I take a sip of water before responding, trying to clear my scratchy throat. "Dad, you know me. Why would I date a guy that doesn't treat me well? He's so sweet and caring and funny."

"Well then that's all I need to know. You said you're hanging out with him tonight?" My dad gets up from the table, bringing his plate and glass to the sink. I trail behind him, knowing our conversation isn't over yet. 

We fall into our old routine when I was growing up, still living at home. He washes the dishes while I dry. "Yes. Why?"

"Are you all ready to go? Do you need to do anything else to get ready?"

What is he getting at here? "No, I don't need anything else. Why?"

He continues to wash the dishes, trying to make his next thought not come across as a big deal. "Well, then he should pick you up from here, so I can meet him."

I desperately want to say no. No way, it's way too early for him to be meeting my dad. We just started dating, we technically aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend yet. This will for sure scare him off. 

My dad seems to know exactly what I'm thinking because he continues. "Leah, if he cares about you as much as you say he does, he wouldn't have a problem meeting me tonight. Why don't you text him? I just want to see what he's all about, that's all."

"Um, okay. Fine." I mutter the last part under my breath. I send him a text, hoping that for some reason he won't be able to come by.

Hey Alex. Do you mind picking me up from my dad's house? It's actually closer to you. He sort of wants to meet you. If you don't want to, I totally understand. 

It couldn't have been more than a minute before he responds. 

I'd love to. See you in 30 minutes?

Another reason why I'm so happy to have Alex. He makes what some people see as awkward, nerve-wracking situations seem so easy. 

See you soon(:

I walk into the living room and sit with my dad on the couch. "He will be here in 30 minutes."

His eyes light up. "Excellent."


When I hear a knock on the door, I quickly get up to answer it before my dad can. 

"Hi. I'm so sorry about this. I promise he is really nice and you having nothing to worry about."

Alex doesn't seem phased in the slightest. His smile makes me feel at ease. "Leah, I meant it when I said I'd love to meet him. He must be a pretty amazing man if he raised you."

I wrap my arms around him and let my head rest on his chest. I feel his warm embrace and my stress induced heart rate instantly drops down to its resting rate. I grab his hand and pull him inside, leading him to the living room. 

"Dad, this is Alex. Alex, this is my dad."

My dad rises from the couch and extends a hand. "David. David Adams."

"Nice to meet you, David. You have raised an incredible daughter. I'm really lucky to be a part of her life."

"She is pretty great, huh?" He looks over at me and winks. 

"Dad," I say, embarrassed that he's putting me on a pedestal. 

"Sorry honey, but it's true." Then he turns to Alex. "I have one important question to ask before you take her."

I look at Alex, cheeks red, somehow more embarrassed than I was before, and he returns a nervous expression. 

"NFL. You have to pick one team to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Who is your pick?"

I hear Alex immediately release a sigh of relief. "Easy. The 49ers."

My dad puts his fist up, wanting a fist bump from Alex in return. "That's what I like to hear!" he says to Alex. Then to me, "I like this guy. Bring him around as often as you'd like."

I grab Alex's hand and aggressively shove him towards the door. "Thanks for dinner, Dad! We are running late so we have to go now. I love you!" We are standing outside and as I'm closing the door I hear my dad yell, "Let's go niners!" I slam the door and quickly get into Alex's car. 

I take a deep breath, hoping it clears the discomfort from my face. "I'm sorry about that. He can be a little, I don't know."

He grabs my hand and looks at me with a smile. "Awesome? Leah, your dad is so awesome."

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