Perfect Lady (Tormund Gianstbane x Reader)

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Summary: You may be a lady by title, but not by nature, leaving Tormund smitten from the time he lays eyes on you.

A/N: This is my first fic for Tormund in quite a while. It was requested over at my Tumblr page (fallatyourfeet). Hope it's okay, I got a little off track at the start, maybe talked about Jon a bit too much, but I think it helped to set the scene..? Anyway, here's the request.

Yay! Okay I just have one idea. I was wondering if you could do a tormund x reader where she is a noble lady but doesn't act like one at all, like she has crude humor and will call anyone out on their bs. It's an idea

Word Count: 909

Warnings: None really, Jon being a third wheel? If that counts.

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

"Jon," your voice bellowed from the other side of the half empty hall, not caring who turned around to stare

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"Jon," your voice bellowed from the other side of the half empty hall, not caring who turned around to stare. You had never been the subtle type, you were loud, brash and at times quite crude, and far to clever for your own good.

Your poor noble parents gave up on all the usual lessons a young 'Lady' should partake in, many years ago. They proved to be a waste of everyone's time, not to mention your parent's money. From the day you were born you were impossible to tame, saying and doing as you pleased, not giving a royal shit about what people thought of you. Which is possibly why you and Jon had grown up such good friends, never caring about the sniggers of stupid little lords and lady's when you played and laughed and ate with the bastard of Winterfell.

You spent quite a lot of your childhood there, in one of your parents many attempts to teach you some manners and decorum, hoping that a different approach and a new set teachers might somehow get through to you. But no. The only thing you managed to achieve, was to upset Lady Catelyn. You got along with Jon far too well and she didn't like it. Especially the day she sat you down to give you her unwanted advice, "Lady (YN), you must stop spending so much time with Jon... A young lady with good prospects, such as yourself, should not be hanging around with a bastard."

Well, your response, while true, left her with her mouth hanging open, "Lady Catelyn. The wife of the Warden of the North, should not be so cruel to young boy's born bastards through no fault of his own. Even if that bastard is the son of their husband." And that was the last time you were ever welcomed at Winterfell, though when you left, Lord Stark, who always had a soft spot for you, most probably because you were kind to Jon, promised to pass on any letters you wrote for his children. And that was how you managed to remain such good friends with him over the years. Even during his time at the Watch, many letters passed between the two of you. So when you heard he had left the Nights Watch and taken back Winterfell from that monstrous prick Ramsay Bolton, you travelled there right away.

At the sound of your voice Jon turned around, giving you a smile, but you hardly noticed, your attention soon taken by the big wild looking man beside him, just as you took all of his attention. His gaze was intense and pleased, and impossible to ignore, your heart reacting with a enthusiastic drum. Studying him a short moment, you guessed it could only be Tormund Giantsbane, Jon had mentioned him once or twice in his letters, and a man like that would be hard to confuse with anyone else. Making your way across the hall, you stopped before the two of them and Jon got straight to work with the introductions, "Tormund, this is Lady (YN), one of my oldest friends. She only just arrived last night."

Tormund nodded his head as if he was finally putting a face to the name. "Ahhh... you're Lady (YN)... I've heard so much about you that I think this boy is sweet on you."

Shaking your head, you scrunched your face a little, noticing Jon's reddening cheeks, but he laughed, not in the least offended by your reaction, "Jon..? No thanks... he's too pretty for me." Then turning back to Tormund, you raised your brow, your lips failing to hide the hint of a wicked grin, "I like my men rough around the edges... big and strong... Real men with red hair and wild beards."

Now, normally such a comment would be met with disapproval, not expecting such brazen words from a 'proper young lady,' but not Tormund. Straightening his back, he widened his shoulders, looking at you with an expression beyond thrilled... the sight of it serving to accelerate the enthusiastic drumming in your chest. Leaning across to Jon, he whispered adorably loud, "You say this lady is unmarried..?"

Jon nodded his head, simply replying, "Aye."

The wilding spoke with a breath, the sound almost incredulous, "I don't believe it." Leaning even closer to his friend, he whispered even louder, yet his attention was solely on you, "I like her... Are all southern lady's so lovely?"

Now, it was your turn to laugh, answering for Jon, who was essentially a forgotten participant in the conversation, "Me... a Lady? That may be my title, but no one as ever considered me much of a lady."

Jon mumbled a few unheard words, amused to see his two friends hitting it off just as he knew they would. Then deciding his presence was a waste of time, he left, unsurprised when his exit went completely unnoticed by them, wondering how long it would be before the two of you were warming each others beds, betting it would not be very long.

With Jon forgotten, Tormund scoffed at your comment... scoffed loudly and dismissively, watching you nod your head as if to confirm the truth of your words. Then leaning in towards you, he winked, his eyes now eager and inviting, his voice an enticing promise on his lips. "Well then, all southerners must be fools... If you ask me, you make a perfect lady."

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated

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Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

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