An Urgent Confession (Sandor x Reader Imagine)

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Sandor Clegane x reader imagine

Summary: A little story about the reader reminiscing of a moment between her and Sandor

Word Count: 1454

Warning: None really. Fluff? (how fluffy can it be, it's Sandor)

Please feel free to leave comments and feedback, it will help me to improve.  

There was no doubt about it, the man was huge and nearly everyone found him terrifying, but he had never once fooled you. Yes, he was gruff, yes, he was stubborn, yes, he was rough around the edges, but inside he was as soft and as sweet as a lemon cake, just for you. Sandor was good and kind and you saw it straight away, however, he had a hard time believing it and for a long time he ignored his feelings for you, but you were just as stubborn as he was and in the end, you won the battle.

As you stood there watching him mend the fence outside, by a window in the home you shared, you found yourself remembering the day he finally told you he loved you. It wasn't that you didn't already know, because you did, but hearing those words fall from his lips for the very first time, was like hearing birds sing on an already perfect and sunny day. It was the icing on top. You were working and living at the Red Keep, when you first met him, as a cook in the main kitchens, you had seen him around a few times and had heard plenty of tales about 'The Hound', but you were never one to take heed in second-hand gossip. When he walked through the kitchen door, it was clear he had never seen or noticed you before. Sandor had come through the doorway like he was on some kind of mission, but when his eyes landed upon you, his feet faulted and stopped him dead in his tracks, his gaze immediately dropping to the floor, before a pink hue travelled up his neck to his cheeks. Clearing his throat, he looked at you, then in a rather harsh tone, he huffed and said, "Who are you, where's Jules?"

Smiling, you stopped kneading the bread in front of you, then picking up the apron around your waist, you wiped the flour from your hands. After changing shifts with Jules', she had told you to expect a visit from the hound, almost every day he came at the same time to eat in the kitchens. Not that she ever told you, but you could tell she had a soft spot for the grumpy man, maybe that's why he had never really intimidated you. Jules' was like the grandmother you never had and you trusted in her judgement more than anyone. "Sorry Lord Clegane, Jules and I have changed shifts for a couple of weeks, so in the meantime, you will have to put up with me". And with that, you leaned across the table and grabbed the plate you had already prepared for him, pushing it towards him.

Sandor didn't say a thing, but you saw him sneak a peek at your cleavage when you reached for the plate, it didn't bother you in the slightest, to be honest, you found it rather adorable. It was as if he wanted to look, but was trying his hardest not too and that was the moment you realised, you had nothing to fear from this giant, beast of a man. And close up his face wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made out, on a whole you found him quite attractive. You had always found big men beautiful, and immediately you found yourself thinking about how safe you would feel in those strong arms of his.

Over the next couple of weeks, Sandor slowly opened up to you, not that he did much talking, most of the conversation came from you, but the changes were there and although no one else would have noticed, you did and it brought you unexpected joy. At first, he began to turn up at the kitchens a little earlier each day, coming through the doorway looking a little flushed, as if he had rushed his way to get there. Then there were the little clues, he would say things like, 'This bread is good' or 'Is there more chicken? I could eat this all day', or he would clear his own plate and wash it up, before leaving, giving you a quick and gruff thanks. Then there were the bigger clues, like the times you caught him watching you, with a small smile playing at his lips, only to quickly turn his head when you looked his way and smiled. Or the day you returned to your usual shift, only to find him turning up in the kitchen doorway, giving you some poor excuse as to why he had to eat early that day, but still returning the next day and the day after that.

It was all of these gestures, which told you he loved you. Never had you expected to hear the words, but the day he came running to your modest chambers, it changed the course of your life forever. Sandor was fighting in the 'Battle of Blackwater', and you were sick to the stomach with worry, praying to the gods, he would be okay. At the time, the two of you weren't even seeing each other and you certainly hadn't kissed, you couldn't even say that you were close friends, but you both realised the feelings you had for each other.

Sandor barged into the kitchens and urgently took your hand, looking you straight in the eyes, as he had never done before, he didn't even try to hide the scar on his face, something was very wrong. "(YN), the battle has started, ya must go to ya chambers", then he pulled your arm a little too roughly and began walking in the direction of your room.

Feeling a bit shocked by his urgency, you couldn't utter much more than, "Why?"

"Cause, if Stannis' men find a way in here, there's no tellin what they will do". As he reached your chamber he opened the door and almost pushed you inside. "I've seen enough battles to know what a soldier will do when they see a pretty girl like you". Then before he turned to leave, he said one more thing, "Now lock the door and push somethin across it, the heaviest thing ya can manage, open the door to no one but me, I'll be back when it's safe". Then with no further words, he left.

The waiting was horrible, 'what if he didn't return, what if something happened to him', the gravity of these realisations physically hurt. Your head started pounding, your heart thumped loud in your chest and your stomach wanted to purge itself of its lunch.

It seemed like hours before you heard fists banging demandingly on the door, then came the most welcomed voice you had ever heard, "(YN), it's me, open up". Running to the door, you hastily pushed away the barricade and upon opening it you felt like leaping into his arms, but the look on his face told you there was no time for that. "I'm leaving this stinkin place, I don't wanna be here anymore. And it's not safe for you here, come with me".

You were in shock and you stood there stunned, arms limp by your sides. Sandor had said more words to you today, than he had in the whole time you'd known him and just like earlier, the only word you could utter was "Why?"

Sandor, had no time for explaining, he made his way through the door, "Are you comin, or not?" He looked around your room and picking up a bag, he began to chuck things inside.

This made you angry, you wanted an answer, "Why? Sandor" putting a hand over his arm, you stopped him, making him turn his face to yours. "Tell me why, you want me to come".

The look in his eyes softened, but only slightly, he didn't want to have this conversation. "I told ya, if I'm not here, I can't keep ya safe".

"That's not an answer Sandor", you were getting impatient and you were sure the look on your face was making that clear.

Letting go of the bag, he turned his whole body to face you and you could see the hesitation in his eyes, "Cause I love ya, that's why and I don't want to leave ya behind".

'Finally' you thought and even under the urgent circumstances you exhaled and felt your body relax, a smile taking over your features. Without warning, you threw your arms around his neck, jumping up and hugging his middle with your legs, the movement barely causing his body to falter. Then meeting your lips with his, you gave him a short and wistful kiss, before placing your forehead to his, "Let's get going then".

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