'My Gendry' (Gendry x Reader One-Shot)

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Credit to Gif Creator

I felt like writing a Gendry x reader, because I don't think he gets enough love, and this is what I came up with. Feel free to let me know what you think.

Summary : Reader remembers the day Gendry comes into her life and the day he leaves.

Word Count : 1466

Warnings : Quite angsty, at times.

Please feel free to leave comments and feedback, it will help me to improve.  

(YN) hadn't been herself, for quite some time and it was really starting to get her down. It wasn't that she was sick or particularly unhappy, it was just that she didn't quite feel whole. Sitting all alone in the kitchen of her parents humble home, (YN) moved the food around her plate, her appetite fading as quickly as her mood. It was moments like this she noticed the emptiness in her chest the most. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her plate aside and rested her head in her arms on the table. Closing her eyes, her mind was flooded with visions of him, his sweet boyish smile and messy dark hair, those caring blue eyes and his soot covered face, everything about him, would be etched in her mind forever. 'My Gendry', (YN) thought to herself, she had referred to him that way ever since she was a little girl, when talking to him or her parents, or anyone else who would care to listen, it was always 'My Gendry does this' or 'My Gendry can do that' it was never just 'Gendry'.

With her head still resting in her hands, (YN) thought back to the time her childhood infatuation began, she was only five years old at the time and Gendry just a couple of years older, the memory of it bringing a fond smile to her lips. The day was beautiful and sunny and her mother had sent her outside to play in the street of their Flea Bottom home. However, (YN) was not like other children and even at the age of five, playing had never really been her thing. Being quite a clever and inquisitive child, it wasn't unusual for her to drive her family crazy, asking them questions to fill her thirst for knowledge. Even people in the local streets and shops were not immune to her constant queries, she wanted to know the how's and why's about everything, what they were doing, making, and eating, she just couldn't learn enough. However, this particular day was different, she sat quietly on the step of her house just watching the other children play, as she threw a small stone back and forth in her hands.

After a while, (YN) walked over and asked whether she could play, when one of the boys who was probably a year or so older, looked at her with distaste and replied in a nasty voice, "No, go away you stupid shit". (YN) just stood there, not knowing how to react, looking so small and lost, just waiting and hoping the boy would change his mind and let her play. After a long moment the boy turned back around and saw her still standing there, with an angry face he took a step towards her and shoved her little shoulder, her body falling to the dirty ground below. Then taking another step forward, he stomped his foot into the ground beside her head, pinning her there by her (HC) hair, "I said go away, we don't wanna to play with you". Unable to move, (YN)'s eyes began to water and her tiny five year old frame began to shake from fear, not understanding why someone would be so mean.

Just as the boy raised his fist and waved it over her face in a threat, a voice came from across the road, "Hey, leave her alone".

The boy turned around, still pinning her to the ground by her hair and in a cocky voice replied, "Why, what ya gonna to do about it?"

Without a word, her saviour made his way across the road and pushed the boy flying, "That's what I'm gonna do". Then crouching down beside her, he took her by the hand and with the sweetest of smiles said, "Come on princess, you don't want to play with them". And that was it, from that day on he took her under his wing, he helped her with her chores, he patiently answered all of her questions, he would cheer her up when she was sad and kept her safe from harm. Over the years they became permanent fixtures in each other's lives, rarely would you see one, without the other. With an unknown father and his mother dead, Gendry adopted (YN)'s family as his own and over the years they became quite fond of the boy and appreciated the way he cared for their daughter. And even though times were hard and food was scarse, they always saved him a spot at their kitchen table.

Until one day without warning, he walked out of her life, leaving her feeling hollow and empty inside. (YN) was at work, cleaning one of the rooms at the Flea Bottom Inn, when she turned around and saw him standing in the doorway. That in itself, was nothing unusual, quite often he would seek her out during his lunch to spend a few minutes with her, even giving her a hand with her cleaning, but this day was not like the others. Turning around, (YN) gave him a warm smile, until her eyes fell upon his sullen expression. Dropping the broom to the floor, (YN)'s face turned white, "Gendry, what's going on, what's happened?"

Silently walking towards her, he took a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. Then placing his hands gently on the sides of her arms, he spoke, "I have to leave King's Landing, I have to leave today". (YN) couldn't think straight, he had never mentioned wanting to leave before, why would he be doing this. Opening her mouth to speak, but finding no words, she just stood there, limp from shock. "I'm sorry Princess, I don't want to leave, but the King's guards are after me". Taking another deep breath, he looked deep into her (EC) eyes and she could see he was not finding this easy, barely keeping his voice steady as he continued, "I don't know why they want me, but it's not safe for me here".

(YN) took a step back from him, her body starting to shake, "You can't leave me here, I can't be without you.... You're my.....my Gendry".

Moving towards her again, he took her face in his hands, his voice now thick with emotion, "I would never leave you if I had a choice, but I don't, I have to go". Then leaning down he placed his lips to her forehead and rested them there a moment, before finishing with a gentle kiss. Taking her in his arms, he held her tightly, as if he didn't want to let her go and whispered in her ear, "I am going to miss you, more than you know". And just like that he was gone, he turned and walked away, out the door, out of her life, never to be heard from again.

Lifting her head from the table, (YN) ran her fingers through her hair as she shook her head at the memory. Staring at the empty chair across from her, she imagined what she would say if he were sitting there right now. There would be so many things to tell him, starting with the fact that she has loved him since forever and she never realised just how much until the day he left. Or the way she feels empty inside without him and lost without him by her side. How she misses his smile and the way he would kiss her forehead so tenderly, so many things.......so many things left unsaid. Standing up, (YN) sighed and grabbed the plate of food to put it away, maybe she would be hungry tomorrow. Turning around her body froze, her mouth dropping in an audible gasp. There leaning against the doorway was a familiar dark figure, a little older than she remembered and even in the low candlelight she could tell he was smiling, his eyes still as kind and inviting as the day she meet him, all those years ago. After a long silent moment just standing there, unsure as to whether her eyes were playing a cruel trick on her, she heard the sweetest most welcomed sound she had heard in years, "Hi Princess, why you looking so sad?".

The sound of his voice, sent a sensation like no other she had ever felt, throughout every fibre of her entire body and even though it was unfamiliar, it felt right, it felt in place, it made her feel like she was finally whole again. With her mouth still open, she finally found words as her legs sprang her into action, taking her across the kitchen and into his open arms. And in a broken voice laced with both tears and joy (YN) nestled her head into the crook of his neck, and whispered, "My Gendry".

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