Always Have (Tommen x Reader Drabble)

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Credit to Gif creator

Summary: Tommen watches (YN), his childhood friend as she plays with orphans.

Word Count: 533

Warnings: None

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Tommen had come to the Orphanage to collect you, just as he had promised, his guards walking him from his carriage into the building, as the staff bowed and curtsied politely in greeting. The headmistress also curtsying politely, as she spoke, "Your Grace, it's a pleasure as always, Lady (YN) is just over there, through the doorway", as she gestured across the hallway to a small opening, before continuing, "Out there in the courtyard, playing with the children". Thanking her, Tommen began walking across the hall, asking his guards to stay behind.

Stopping in the doorway, he spotted you on the other side of the courtyard, you were hard to miss, he imagined he could spot you amongst a crowd of thousands. You had always been so beautiful to him. Tommen watched you sitting on the dusty ground as if you didn't have a care in the world. A small boy climbed all over you, pulling at your hair, causing the most precious smile to grace your features, as another small child jumped up onto your back, wrapping their arms around your neck as you laughed sweetly, pulling them around onto your lap.

As he stood there watching you, he couldn't help but smile endearingly at your friendly and loving nature. You had always been that way, ever since he could remember. When the both of you would play together, as little ones in the Red Keep, you would always ask the servant's children to come and play too. Remembering how his mother would turn up her nose and disapprove, but come the following day, you would go and do exactly the same thing. Yet, his mother never had the heart to come out and completely forbid it, knowing how much it would upset him, to see you upset.

You were still just sitting there, playing with the children, blissfully unaware of his presence and it absolutely melted his heart to see you with them, unable to stop an exquisite vision of you, holding a baby of your very own, a baby which he could also proudly claim as his. With a crown of (YHC) hair and sweet (YEC) eyes, just like you. With you as a mother, the child would be the sweetest most beautiful royal baby the crown has ever seen. With a bite of his bottom lip, he blushed at his very own thoughts, realising just how much he loved you, trying to remember and think back to the moment he first knew. It was right at that moment, you lifted your gaze and smiled at him, the smile was warm and genuine, beautiful and sweet and it was then, that he realised there was no particular moment. Tommen could not recall one single time in his life, when he did not love you, growing up, every memory of you was filled with love, a love that had grown from the very beginning, it had always been there and he knew it would never go. And as he watched you stand up and dust your dress off, kissing the children farewell, he knew it was time to confess his love, praying to the God's, that you would love him back.

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