Always and Forever (Sansa Stark x Male/Female Reader)

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Summary: Sansa calls for the Reader to meet with her in her chambers, leaving them alone for the first time since Sansa left for King's Landing.

Word count: 1491

Warnings: I guess a little bit of angst, mostly fluff.

A/N: This was requested by a male reader who would prefer to remain anonymous. Hope you enjoy.

Please feel free to let me know what you think via messages or comment, feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Please feel free to let me know what you think via messages or comment, feedback is welcomed and appreciated

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'Lady Stark of Winterfell....' Sansa had never really expected to hear those words again. For such a long time that person was lost, belonging to everyone but herself, her life and her love not her own... but now she was found, much stronger and wiser than before. No longer willing to sit quietly in the corner, a scared little child, letting everyone else decide her fate. It had been a long road to where she stood today, a road full of grief, pain and torment, yet somehow she did not look back with anguish or self pity. Instead, she looked at how that road had changed her, leaving her thankful... not thankful for the suffering she endured, but content with the way it had shaped her, no longer the self absorbed and naive little girl that left Winterfell all those years ago. And thankful, that somehow that road had led her back to you.

The youngest of a large family, from a minor northern house, left your parents with little to offer anyone in regards to securing you a desirable betrothal. Not that it had ever bothered you, growing up you only ever had eyes for a certain red headed Lady of Winterfell, Sansa Stark... and she was way out of your reach, betrothed to the future King of Westeros.

All that was so long ago and so much had changed, including Sansa. Growing up you had spent almost every winter at Winterfell, sent down from your home in the far northern reaches of Westeros to avoid it's bitter and unforgiving weather. The time you spent there, quickly formed your most favourite childhood memories and your strongest childhood friendship. Sansa was your best friend and yet, over those passing childhood years you soon came to realise that as strong as your bond was, you and her could never be, she was a future Queen of Westeros and you were nothing... nobody. And so, over the years your lives took very different roads, yet somehow, they led you both back here to Winterfell. Leaving you standing nervously before her chamber door.

Standing there shuffling nervously from foot to foot, your fist was clenched tight, hovering before the heavy wooden door. Unable to stop the rapid beating of your heart, you were confused as to why Sansa had called for you to meet with her in her chambers. With a deep breath, you tried to calm your nerves, this would be the first time you were alone together since she left for Kings Landing all those years ago and you couldn't help all the flutters in your stomach from taking hold. With another deep breath, you finally found the courage to tap your knuckles on the door.

It was less than a week, since you fought beside Jon and his wildling army, winning back the North from Ramsay Bolton and putting it back into the hands of the Starks where it belonged. Thankful, that the former Lord of Winterfell could no longer draw breath from the world. What you would have given to spend an hour alone with that evil, sadistic animal. Instead, it was rightfully Sansa who bid him his final goodbye, sending him from the world with tortured screams, crying out in pain as his own hounds fed on his flesh. Freeing her once and for all of any forced loyalty that tied her to his shameful name.

Sansa was a bundle of nerves, though she did a good job of hiding it. Sitting in the bed she had the covers pulled high, staring at the shadows your feet created as you hovered before her chamber door, wondering why you hadn't knocked yet. Moving her gaze around the room she gave a small smile, the flickering candlelight that filtered and bounced off the stone walls was exactly how she had imagined it. And the warm orange glow from the crackling fire only added to the chamber's cosy, inviting atmosphere.

Finally, the knock came, three unmistakable raps of your knuckles. Shifting on the spot in her bed, Sansa cleared her throat, her voice sounding much more confident than she felt, "Come in."

Sansa heard you grab the handle, hearing it shift and jiggle under your fingertips, feeling her heart speed up as you slowly opened the door and slipped through. Watching you lean backyards against the door, she heard the latch click, noticing how you took a calming breath, before your gaze lifted to search across the room, the action bringing a smile to her lips... you were nervous too. Holding a breath tight in her chest, she spoke, "Hello, (YN), I'm over here." Following the sound of her voice your gaze travelled to hers, your expression full of surprise at finding her in bed.

"Sansa, what are you doing?" Your flustered reaction was adorable, god's you were beautiful, but then, you always had been.

Taking a calming breath of her own, she patted the bed beside her, "I'm waiting for you." Running fingers through your (HC) hair, your gaze dropped to the floor, yet she thought she could see you nibbling on your bottom lip, the very thought bringing a dust of pink to her cheeks. "Remember we use to stay up half the night when we were little? Mother would always catch us and send you back to your room, only to have you sneak back ten minutes later."

You laughed lightly at the memory, your shoulders visibly relaxing and Sansa couldn't help but relish the sound. Peeking back up at her with those stunning (EC) eyes, you smiled, yet, Sansa could hear a hint of hesitation and confusion in your voice, "Of course I remember, but we were little children... and... well... I... I don't ever recall you being quite so... exposed." Sansa's whole body flushed, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks, partly embarrassed, yet mostly flustered by the hopeful look in your eyes. Patting the bed beside her again, this time she pulled back the covers, not willing to give in to her fast growing nerves. Taking a step towards her, you rubbed your hand across your mouth, needing a moment to think, your (EC) eyes breathtaking and intense, "Are you sure?"

Nodding her head slowly, Sansa swallowed thickly, her heart pounding hard in her chest, "I've never been more sure of anything... I have wanted this for a long time."

With quiet steps you reached her side, tenderly placing your hand to the side of her porcelain face and sat down, your thumb running along her cheekbone with a feather light touch. The simple action so intimate, yet so sweet, never had such a touch from any other felt so welcome... so right. Looking into her eyes you shook your head, your expression almost disbelieving, your smile and voice trembling, "Me too."

Sansa's head was awash with unexplainable emotion, her heart feeling lighter with every beat, never really believing she would ever truly be free of Joffrey or Ramsay. That even in their death they would haunt her until her own dying day, but somehow you managed to wash all those fears away with two simple words. Resting her hands upon your chest, she felt the swift beat of your heart, seeing the same joy she felt, radiating from your eyes. "I never thought I would get this chance, but never again will I let someone tell me who to love... I love you... I always have."

Leaning forward, you reached for the nape of her neck, gently entangling your fingers amongst her locks, using your other hand to pull her body against your chest and then... you kissed her. The contact against her bare sensitive skin sending blissful shivers from her head to the tips of her toes. And the kiss... never had she been kissed like that, such tenderness, such passion, so much love. Pulling your lips from hers, you gently guided her to lay on the bed and the look of devotion she saw in your eyes, left her breathless. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you leaned down and kissed her again, before laying on the bed beside her, face to face. Tucking wisps of hair behind her ear you reached for the linen sheet, pulling it up over your heads, a perfect and private little world for two, the flickering candlelight filtering through and dancing upon your exquisite features, leaving her unable to imagine a more beautiful sight. Then leaning across with inviting lips, she heard her own voice speaking unintended words, yet never in her life had she spoken with such truth and honesty, loving the sound as they left her mouth. "I am yours and you are mine."

And hearing your sweet voice answer, "Always and forever," with such pure and raw intensity, filled her heart with unrivaled joy, unable to imagine a moment so perfect, silently thanking the gods you had found your way back into her life.

Please feel free to let me know what you think via messages or comment, feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

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