Carrying Jon Snow's baby would include (Headcanons)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Warnings: None

A/N: This is my first ever headcanonPlease feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

-When Jon finds out you are carrying his child, he is thrilled and apprehensive all at the same time. The very thought of a baby of his own completely warms his heart, yet his head keeps telling him it's wrong. Being a bastard was hard enough and he imagined being the child of a bastard would be even worse.

-You telling him there is no one else in all of the seven kingdoms that you would want to have a child with, or the whole world for that matter.

-Your declaration making him feel a little more at ease, but his guilt still niggles away at him.

-Having never imagining himself being a father, the thought utterly terrifies him. You reassuring him that he will make a wonderful Daddy, if he can be responsible for all the people of the North, then one tiny baby should be easy.

-Jon never wanting to leave your side, but when his other responsibilities can't wait he leaves Ghost beside you to follow you around.

-Jon calling for the Maester, every time something new happens, making sure it is normal and nothing to worry about.

-Sitting beside you to offer comfort when you are sick, bringing you herbal tea settle to your upset stomach.

-Back tickles, endless back tickles and foot rubs

-Sneaking down to the kitchens in the middle of the night for you, whenever you are hungry or craving something strange.

-In private his hands always, I mean, always rubbing your growing tummy, smiling in absolute wonder at the tiny movements under his fingertips.

-Sometimes in the morning when he thinks you are asleep, he will place his lips near your belly, whispering a sweet good morning to your little bump.

-Never one for PDA, you are often surprised when he places a gentle hand to the small of your back in public, unable to stop a little smile from gracing your lips.

-When the due date approaches, he rearranges his days time to make sure he gets everything of importance out the way, hopefully leaving him free to be by your side when the little one decides to arrive.

-When your water breaks at his feet, his expression is priceless, it's terrified, excited, apprehensive and thrilled, all at the same time.

-When the Maester tried to send him from the chamber, Jon gave him a single look a look and the message was clear, 'If you think I'm going anywhere, you've got another thing coming.'

-He is in absolute awe of you and your strength. Sitting there, he holds your hand with without complaint, watching his fingers turn blue at your grip.

-Wiping the sweat from your forehead.

-Wishing there was more he could do to ease your pain.

-When the little babe finally arrives, he sits there in wonder of the little gift you have given him. Holding the tiny bundle of bliss in his arms, he leans over and kisses your forehead, wondering how on earth he deserves you and the new little life you had given him.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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