Trueborn (Jon Snow x Baratheon Reader) Part 1 of 3

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Credit to the Gif Creator

Summary: (YN) is the only trueborn daughter of King Robert and Cersei. Growing up she spent a lot of time at Winterfell, falling for a particular curly dark haired boy. When responsibilities and circumstance separate them they think its forever, but little did they know after a string of tragic events their live's would once again come together for a reason which they are still to understand.

Word count: 4451

Warnings: Angst at times

A/N: Okay, so this was a request from my Tumblr blog (Fallatyourfeet), I haven't included the original request because we changed it up a little. There was quite a lot of information to include, so I hope it flows properly and doesn't feel too rushed or confusing. It was really quite a challenge, so please let me know what you think.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

In all honesty, (YN) wasn't like other lady's, well, she wasn't a lady at all, she was a princess and her father absolutely adored her. The day she was born King Robert Baratheon, the first of his name, rejoiced as he had never done before. When he first held that tiny yet, perfect little bundle in his rough and beaten hands, he silently promised himself to give her everything she would ever want or need. And he did, indulging her every whim. When she wanted to learn to fight, he provided her with the best newly forged sword and the finest teacher money could buy. When she showed an interest in archery, he brought the country's best archer to the Red Keep, where he taught her everything he knew until she far exceeded the archer's skills. And when she wanted to run and play in pants and tunics instead of pretty little dresses, he told Cersei and the Septa to leave her be, "If that's what she's comfortable in, let her wear it, What harm will it do?"

Out of all his children, (YN) was by far his favourite and by no means did it go unnoticed by everyone around him. It surprised him in the beginning, thinking he would be disappointed that his first-born child was a girl, but she had given him far more joy than either of his sons. However, little did he know that (YN) was his only trueborn child. It was true, Robert had spent most of his time in the marital bed drunk and rather useless, making it easy for Cersei to convince him that Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella were his and not born of incest with her brother. And had Cersei not been so convincing, it would have been easy to guess, (YN) may not have looked exactly like her father, but she certainly carried many of his traits, none of which her other siblings did.

From the day she was born she was a very determined child, too impatient to lay on her back and wiggle around like the average baby, she was walking well before her first birthday and talking from an exceptionally young age too. Both Robert and Cersei was sure it was only so she could tell everyone exactly what she thought, never afraid to speak her mind, even when she knew she was being a little blunt and tactless. And for a young woman who was never really comfortable in dresses and bows, with no real inclination to present herself as the princess she was, gods could she command the attention of everyone in a room. Both naturally beautiful and charming, she never had to try too hard to gain a man's affection and like her mother, she was both cunning and smart enough to use it to her advantage.

All in all, (YN) grew up a very blessed child, maybe her parents didn't really see eye to eye or even get along for that matter, but they both loved her dearly, willing to move mountains across oceans if it meant it brought a smile to her beautiful face.

Yet, her favourite memories came during the summers she spent at Winterfell. From quite a young age, her father would send her there much to Cersei's dismay to spend time with the Stark children. Hoping she would form a bond with the eldest Stark boy, making the transition into their betrothal that little bit easier. Robert could not think of a better match for his eldest child, Eddard had been such a good and loyal friend to him over the years and joining the Crown and the North together with such a match could only help to improve its relationship. Nevertheless, the most important thing was (YN)'s happiness and if young Robb Stark was only half the man his father was then he would make a good husband to his beloved daughter. And as hoped, (YN) did grow very close with all the Stark children and over the years they all grew very fond of her too, Eddard and Catelyn practically considering her an extra child. So the day (YN) told her father she would not marry Robb, was the only time they ever truly had a fight.

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