Carrying Jorah Mormont's baby would include: (Headcanon)

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Credit to the Gif Creator

Warnings: Mentions of miscarriage

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

• When you first tell Jorah you're carrying his baby, he is quite honestly in disbelief.

• As the years passed and his age progressed, he never thought he would ever be lucky enough to become a father.

• After the initial shock, he took you in his arms and smiled gently to himself. The very idea of a little you and him warmed his entire heart.

• Nevertheless, he did worry he was getting a bit old to be a good father.

• Taking his stubbly face in your hands, you assured him he was wrong. "You're going to make a wonderful, sweet and doting father, my love."

• Giving you a small smile, he placed his hands over yours, " I hope your right."

• "Of course I'm right, my love. I always am."

• He was very concerned about your welfare. After his first wife suffered multiple miscarriages and ultimately lost her life to one, he fussed over you constantly.

• He didn't want you doing anything that caused any sort of strain.

• Even your morning sickness caused him distress.

• Often you would need to ask him to relax, telling him that everything is going as expected

• After the first few months had passed, you noticed him unwind a little, even noticing him getting a little excited.

• Feeling the baby move for the first time, had him consumed with wonder and amazement. In all his years he had never felt a pregnant belly before.

• He could not explain the feeling that washed over him.

• He could waste the day away, just waiting for a single tiny movement.

• And your growing tummy made him smile, every day you would wake up to his arm resting gently across it.

• As soon as he knew you were awake, his fingertips would tenderly caress your belly, sending sweet shivers down your spine.

• Lovemaking had never been so gentle and sweet. He was so careful, yet so giving.

• Every day he prayed to the gods to keep you and the baby safe.

• Every day he thanked the gods for giving you to him.

• Running warm baths for you every night, to relieve your aching body. Sitting quietly beside you, just in case you needed him.

• As the big day drew near, he felt himself growing impatient and excited, yet dreaded to see you so tired and exhausted.

• When your water breaks in the bed beside him, he practically jumps out onto the floor, half asleep, half panicking.

• Picking you up easily in his arms he moves you to another chamber, placing you gently down into the fresh sheets.

• Running his fingers gently through your hair, he becomes impatient waiting for help to arrive, but he won't let you see that as he whispers sweet words of comfort to your ear.

• Feeling completely unsurprised by your bravery, yet still in awe of you all the same.

• You finding his presence and support very comforting, yet he wishes there was more he could do for you, he felt so useless.

• Seeing his baby for the first time, so lively and healthy, crying with such vigour, made his whole world stand still.

• Looking to you, he smiled a smile like no other, filled with uncontained joy and pride as his palm hit his chest, covering his heart. Unable to find the right words to thank you.

• And when he held his sweet little girl in his arms for the first time, he placed a gentle kiss to her fragile head, realising this tiny little bundle of helpless perfection had owned his heart from her very first breath.

 Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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