No Words (Robb Stark x Reader Drabble/One-shot)

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Credit to Gif Creator

Summary: Robb's thoughts and feelings, after the birth of his child

Word count: 610

Warnings: None, unless babies and fluff bother you.

Enjoy, and please feel free to drop me a message

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Robb was tired. More tired than he had ever felt his entire life, not that it bothered him in the slightest, there would be no way he could sleep anyway. Nor would he want to. Last night had been exhausting, but he knew you would be far more exhausted than he could ever imagine, and yet he had not heard one single word of complaint slip from your sweet lips. Sitting silently on the bed beside you, he inhaled deeply, shaking his head in awe of what you had done, merely a few short hours earlier.

Thinking back, to just over twelve moons ago, Robb remembered the vision of you walking towards him on your wedding day, never thinking he would ever see a more beautiful and breathtaking sight, or believing he could ever love another as much as he loved you. Oh, how he had been wrong. Lifting his gaze up to you, he watched as you sat quietly smiling, looking down upon the newborn babe, sleeping soundly as he suckled at your breast. It was so much more than he was prepared for, his mind unable to put into words the overwhelming sight that lay before him.

Reaching out his hand so gently, Robb ran feather light fingers across the silky, fine hair, on his newborn son's head, giving you a smile that was filled with wonder as his hand reached up to move a lock of damp hair from your perfect face. As if it was a natural reflex, he leaned down, placing the softest kiss upon the child's head, before reaching over and meeting his lips with yours, causing beautiful, unfamiliar feelings to rise in his chest.

Only yesterday, he thought he could never love another, more than he loved you and yet overnight, he felt as if the volume of his heart had doubled, once again filled to the brim, with love and devotion, for both you and his little wolf. Robb sat there in wonder of the gift you held in your arms, the look of pride was clear in his eyes, pride in what you had done for him and an almost immeasurable pride in the tiny, but somehow perfect little bundle. A bundle that had done little more than simply, exist.

As Robb watched you tenderly cradle the fragile piece of perfection in your arms, he felt a desperate need to reach out and thank you, but there was nothing he could say which would convey the love and gratitude, amazement and pride he felt in that moment. Always knowing, he would quite gratefully be in your debt, until the day he left this world, a world which now, held such a different meaning for him. Bubbling up inside of him was a fierce need to provide, nurture and protect you both, which he knew would never subside, it would always be there, pushing him, urging him and spurring him on.

Taking a deep breath to gather his thoughts, he looked back up into your gentle (ec) eyes, hoping he could find something, anything to say, which would only begin to express what it was, that he felt inside. Meeting his gaze, you gave him a tender, knowing smile, saying so much more than words ever could. And, it was in that moment that he realised, as you reached over to wipe away a tear, a tear he didn't know was there, that you understood. Now knowing, there was no need for him to speak. And as you gently handed over his son, into his eagerly awaiting arms, he just knew his life could never deliver a more perfect moment than this.

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