Carrying Podrick Payne's baby would include (Headcanons)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Warnings: None

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

• You and Podrick were eating dinner together when you first told him you were carrying his baby.

• Dropping his fork to his plate he nearly choked and had to have a drink of ale to wash it down.

• "What?" was all he could manage before your words actually sunk in.

• When they did, his face lit up and you sighed with relief. You had never really spoken about starting a family before.

• Not that you were really concerned anyway, Pod had always been a total sweetheart around children.

• Standing up, he moved around to your side and took your hand, gently guiding you to your feet.

• After giving you an excited cuddle, he held you at arms length. "Wow, I didn't expect that, but what wonderful news."

• He had always been very sweet, but now, he was somehow even sweeter.

• Always checking if you felt okay, making sure you were eating and sleeping enough.

• Lots of cuddles.

• Lots of sweet kisses.

• Lots of evenings in his arms, thinking up all your favourite names together.

• Lots of belly rubs and kisses, he just loved that growing tummy.

• Feeling forever impatient and excited to meet his little baby.

• You constantly talking to your growing bump, telling your unborn baby that their father will be the sweetest kindest father they could ever wish for.

• Pod hearing you one day, unable to wipe the smile off his face, as a lump formed in his throat.

• Coming up behind you, he wraps his arms lovingly around your tummy.

• Leaning his chin upon your shoulder, he rubs your bump and speaks, his voice heavy with emotion, "And your mother is the sweetest woman to ever exist, she already loves you so much."

• That was when he felt the baby move for the first time and he couldn't hide his excitement.

• Whenever the baby reacted to his voice, he would get down on his knees and kiss your belly, "Hello, little one."

• The bigger your belly got the more he loved it, with an ever-growing smile, he would say, "He's getting so big and strong."

• Giving him a smile of your own, you would reply, "Are you so sure it's a boy?"

• Placing his lips to yours in a fleeting kiss, he admitted, "No, I have no idea, but I keep imagining a little boy."

• He felt so protective of you and was so grateful that he was now rather competent with a sword.

• He loved to come to bed when you were already asleep, loving to watch you hold your belly as you slept so peacefully. Sighing, he would shake his head, unable to believe that you love him.

• When you went into labour, he somehow managed to remain calm for you, after having squired for some rather difficult, yet lovable individuals, you were a piece of cake.

• And he was so impressed with just how well you handled the pain.

• Giving you a hand to squeeze or a face to yell at whenever you felt the need.

• Rubbing your back, while giving sweet words of encouragement.

• And the moment his little boy arrived into the world safe and sound he felt his heart double in volume, instantly filling to the brim with wonderful new emotions.

• Watching as the maester carefully placed the crying babe to your breast. Amazed when his cry's faded to contentment at the familiar sound of your beating heart, wondering if it was even possible to love two people more than he loved the pair of you.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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