The Tolling In The Tower (Jaime Lannister x Reader) Part 1 of 2

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Jaime has never loved anyone the way he loves you, to him, you are the single most important thing in the world.

A/N: Okay.. Okay.. Okay. This was suppose to be about a 1500 word one shot, but I got carried away with the readers back story and now it's blown out to this. To complete it, I will need to write at least one more part. Please let me know if you think it will be worth my time and effort.

Word Count: 2533

Warnings: Fluff and angst

Any feedback, comments and messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

Jaime had never felt such joy and yet, been more afraid his entire life

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Jaime had never felt such joy and yet, been more afraid his entire life. Afraid not for himself... but for you. Since you had come into his world... into his private world, he had found true happiness by your side. You showed him that love was not bound by conditions, it could be given without the expectation of something in return. And until he fell for you, he had never felt love like that before... Yes, he had loved Cersei, probably still did in some small way... but it could not compare to the love he felt for you... or the love he received in return.

You had come to live at the Red Keep as a young Lady of ten, shortly after Robert Baratheon became King and married Cersei. Your father, a Lord and good friend of his own father died when you were quite young and when your mother passed away just a few years later, Tywin asked that Robert Baratheon take you on as his ward. It was a rare display of compassion from Tywin and Jaime could only assume it was in honour of his friendship with your father. He could still remember the day you arrived, so young and timid and such a beautiful little girl... and he recalled how he thought you were sure to grow into a rare beauty and steal the hearts of many. But little did he realise, that all these years later he, himself, would fall a willing victim to your sweet and innocent charms.

The King adored you from the day you arrived, treating you as if you were his own flesh and blood and with his kindness you soon found your confidence, bringing you out of your timid shell... but that did not last long. Cersei, being the jealous beast she was, despised you, simply because you took away her husband's innocent attention. And at first, she tolerated it, but when Joffrey came along, her treatment of you soon took a turn for the worse... hating the fact that you could still gain her husband's affections even though he now had a child of his own to love. And soon after, Robert made the difficult decision to send you away, entrusting your care to his best friend, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Ward of the North. And that was the last time he saw you, until years later he arrived at Winterfell along with King Robert and his household.

As the former ward of the King, you stood alongside the Starks as they waited in the courtyard ready to present themselves to the Royal household... and Jaime noticed you straight away. How could he not... you were stunning, dressed in a very simple and elegant dress, perfectly suited for the harsh northern air, your beautiful (HC) hair falling in soft locks around your lovely face, bringing an intake of air past his lips. But it wasn't until the King spoke that he even realised it was you... still half expecting the young girl he had remembered from years ago. Reaching the end of the line Robert stopped before you and Jaime watched as you gave him a customary curtsy, stepping forward Robert stretched out his arms, his voice loud and cheerful, "Lady (YN), just look at you... you're all grown up." After pulling you in for a tight hug, he held you at arms length, "I always knew you would grow into a great beauty... and I wasn't wrong." Still sitting upon his horse, Jaime was sure his expression was bewildered, you were not just grown up... you were a woman... and after a quick calculation, soon realised you must be at least twenty five. Giving his head a barely visible shake at the thought, he noticed Robert make his way back towards Eddard and you take a step back to stand beside a rather rugged looking man, his arm coming to rest at the small of your back. Jamie didn't know why, but he felt a small twist of envy flicker in his chest at the sight, recalling just a a few years back when Robert had announced your betrothal to the only son of a minor northern lord, one of Eddard's most trusted men. It was then, he realised the rugged looking man must be your husband, bringing another strange twist of envy.

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