Conflicted - Part 1 (Ramsay Bolton x Reader)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: Ramsay is conflicted by his feelings for the Reader.

Warnings: Usual Ramsay warnings, he has terrible and evil thoughts about the reader (Violence, sexual assault etc)

Word Count: 799

A/N: Ramsay is not a character I thought I would ever write for (I've never been into bad boys), I doubt I will make a habit of it, but this idea has been floating around in my head for a while, so I thought I may as well write it down.

Ramsay didn't like it, didn't like it one little bit, yet he felt utterly powerless to do anything about it. Never, in all his life had he felt so conflicted. It all began less than a month ago, when a pretty little servant came to work at Winterfell. At first, he had no contact with her, she would go about her work without a fuss, but she was impossible to ignore. There was no denying she was beautiful, probably the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. At first he just watched her, watched her go about her chores and immediately his despicable thirst began, he would stand there watching her and take delight in her discomfort as she cowered a little under his gaze. Imagined himself grabbing her by her braided (HC) hair, roughly pulling on it as he hunched over her, making her cringe. When the sun went down and he was alone in his chambers, his evil thirst only grew, imagining himself pinning her down on a bed and staring into her scared and fearful eyes as she begged for him to stop and let her go. And once he was finished playing all his horrible little games, he wanted to introduce her to his hounds, watch her run with them, until she could run no more and only then would he finally put her out of her misery. Yes, he was going to have fun with her.

No longer could he just watch her from across the room, the thoughts in his head had taken him as far as they could, he needed the real thing now. Walking into the hall he saw her, kneeling by the fire, stacking logs into neat piles by the wall, "Servant girl, leave that and come here. I need you for something." Putting the log aside, she stood up with hesitation and made her way over and already Ramsey could feel his pulse quicken with anticipation, feeling an evil smile spread across his face. Every step she took was timid, but Gods she was stunning. After weeks of watching her, he had learnt much. This girl was sweet and quiet, weak and fragile, she was everything he was not and he couldn't wait to break her.

When she came to a stop in front of him, her eyes were on the floor, she didn't want to look at him and it gave him so much joy. Placing a finger to her chin, he left it there a moment taking pleasure when she cringed under his touch. In a sickening sweet-voice, he asked, "What's your name, beautiful girl?"

Ramsey could feel a rush of blood through his veins as she began to lift her head, he wanted to see what colour eyes she had and the terror they held within them, but what happened next left him speechless and confused. The sound of her voice came first as she answered him, "(YN), my Lord," and it had his thoughts going hazy, his body unable to find a breath in his chest. And when her eyes looked upon his, he felt as if a warm gust of wind had come along and knocked the air completely out of him. Her beautiful (EC) eyes stared into his and yes, he did see terror in them, she looked utterly terrified, yet all the pleasure he had felt only moments ago had completely washed away. Unable to take his eyes from hers, he saw more than just terror, there hiding behind the surface was a quiet defiance and bravery, she was scared, yet she wouldn't look away. Ramsey didn't know what to do, he had all these strange and foreign feelings swimming around his head, feeling an ember of warmth flicker to life in his chest and he tried to shake them away, but they refused to budge. Still, he couldn't take his eyes from hers and the mere thought of causing her harm, now brought a physical pain to his chest.

With an ache growing in his head, he turned and left the hall, leaving her standing there both confused and relieved at his strange behaviour. Alone in his chamber, he sat on his bed and closed his eyes, trying to remember all the horrible thing he wanted to do to her, but his mind refused to play his awful little games. Instead, he found himself wondering how it would feel to wake up with her sleeping peacefully in his arms and imagined himself making her laugh, instead of cry, wondering how it would feel to kiss her tenderly or run his fingers gently through her hair. And the thing that surprised and confused and angered him the most, was the fact that he found himself smiling affectionately at the very thought.

I would love to know what you think, please feel free to send a message or leave a comment, feedback is always appreciated

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