Later, Dude.

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After an eventful weekend in Michigan, the boys found themselves back in Easton where West would spend the next week or so before actually leaving for school.

Whilst West was unwinding at his place, relaxing after a long drive, Killian was standing on his porch, dreading what awaited him inside. He'd pranked Sparrow in retaliation to him ruining his golden locks a few days ago, and if he knew his little brother, he also knew he wasn't one to back down from a prank war, because that's what it was, now.

Killian grabbed a random stick laying on the ground, turned the door handle and pushed the door open, making sure he stood as far away as possible from it just in case he got drenched in water.


He stuck his head in the doorway to make sure the coast was clear before running up the stairs and to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Maybe Sparrow wasn't home, maybe he forgot all about the ice cold water incident, maybe they were even, now.

He eyed his bed, the fatigue from the long drive finally setting in, in the familiar environment, he shuffled out of his sneakers and jeans before throwing his entire body onto the bed, a choice he'd soon regret.

He sunk into the "bed" like a pebble in a body of water with a loud crumpling sound.
His mattress was missing. Out of all the things Sparrow could've done...

"Sparrow!" Killian yelled, pulling himself up, he lifted the covers only to find wrinkled and balled up newspapers and magazines, how Sparrow managed to smooth out all the lumps and make it look like a real bed was beyond him. He was stepping up his prank game for sure.

The boy in question prodded the door open, "Enjoy your new bed, asshat." He snickered, then promptly closed it again, leaving Killian vexed, mostly shocked beyond belief.

So, I'm not getting my bed back, then...

The door opened again, this time it wasn't his asshole little brother, but his mother.

"Hey, how was your trip to Florida? Harper doing well over there?" She inquired. She was dressed up, a shoulder bag in hand. It seemed as if she was waiting for Killian to show up before she could finally leave.

"What?" Killian asked, distracted. He was thinking about what he'd tell the kids about Linda's whereabouts that night, seeing as she was going out again, forgetting that he'd lied to her about spending the weekend in Michigan with West. "Oh, right. It was... great. He's great."

"You know, I've always liked Harper. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it if there was something... going on between you two."

"Mom, Harper is like a brother to me. And, I have a boyfriend, remember?"

Linda was taken aback, "That's still going on?" It was clear she disapproved.


"Sorry, I just figured, y'know since he lied to you about moving away, you'd--"

"He didn't lie to me." Killian asserted in a clipped tone. Was everyone looking to annoy him today?

You just stuck your nose in our business like you always do.

"Right..." Linda smiled, albeit forcefully. "Well, I'm going to see Winona and her new baby boy, you guys order pizza or something for dinner, okay?"

"Okay, just don't--" But she'd already disappeared. "Stay out too late." Killian finished off softly. He ran a hand over his face and sighed heavily.
He was back in Easton, alright. For a moment he let himself be happy, he let himself escape, but it was all back to reality, now.

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