Naked Texts.

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West didn't stay long at the party after Steven had left. He couldn't stand watching Killian getting touchy with Yolanda any longer, he hated to admit it, but it hurt. He didn't know if Killian was trying to make him jealous, or if he was moving on after being rejected by him. West hoped he was moving on, though. He just wanted Killian to be happy. And he wasn't sure he'd be able to give that to him, but if Yolanda could, then that was all that mattered.

He unlocked his front door and made his way inside. He was surprised to see the lights still on. It was 2am, and Paul was usually asleep around that time. He trudged up the stairs and was about to step into his room when he noticed that the bathroom door was slightly ajar.

He peeked through the small opening and frowned when he saw Paul leaning over the toilet bowl, retching his guts out.

Paul heaved into the toilet, but all that came out was a watery liquid, proof that there was nothing left in his stomach to release. He then dry heaved for a few more minutes, before pulling himself up and flushing. He closed the toilet lid and collapsed on top of it with a heavy sigh.

West examined his dad's state. His shirt was drenched in sweat, and his skin was a pale and ashy color. His eyes had also sunken in, like he hadn't slept in days. He looked as good as dead.

"You okay?"

"Weston." Paul grunted. He had a glazed expression on his face, and it appeared as if he was about to pass out. "How was the party?"

"Fine, thanks. Can I get you anything?" West pushed the door the whole way open and grabbed a glass from the sink and filled it with water.
He tried to get Paul to drink, but all he could manage was a few sips.

"Nah. I probably ate something that my stomach didn't agree with. Ain't nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? I could try make some instant porridge for you? It always helped me..."

"I'll be alright, son."

West nodded then moved towards Paul to help him up from the toilet seat. He wrapped one arm around Paul's waist to steady him, together, they staggered towards Paul's bedroom. His room was as bare as his son's. He had no possessions, the only interesting thing in his room was West's new guitar which he'd been playing earlier.

West helped Paul get into bed, then shut the lights out.
Once in his own room, he stripped down to his boxers and snuggled up underneath the covers with his phone in hand.
He had the urge to text Killian, but he didn't know what to say. He'd already apologized a dozen times, on Wednesday he'd tried to say he was sorry again, but Killian told him he was tired of hearing that, then proceeded to throw a paper clip at him. And the fact that it collapsed in mid air, inches away from West's face, only upset Killian further.
He opted for a simple text.

W.R: Goodnight.

He placed his phone on the nightstand and fluffed up his pillow just right, then lay his head on it, closing his eyes. His phone dinged a few minutes later, and he literally jumped to grab it, almost falling out of bed in the process.

Kill.A: 🙄

West released a long sigh. How ironic was it that the person who preached to him about forgiveness, couldn't even take his own advice? He threw his phone on the nightstand and switched off his bedside lamp.

Fuck this.

Killian glared at his phone. The text West sent the other night still made him angry. Dove happily volunteered to be his silent therapist. He'd rant, and she'd just nod.

"How dare he send me a goodnight text? Goodnight texts mean you care. Especially when they're accompanied by an emoji. Why was his 'Goodnight' so naked and emoji-less? I hate him."

Killian clutched his chest at the last part. He knew from the depths of his heart that he could never hate West. Even lying about it made his heart hurt.
Dove scanned her older brother's features. Sorrow was written all over his face, but his expression quickly closed up when he noticed Dove staring at him.

"Do you really?"

No. I love him.


Did I just say that out loud?

He tried to salvage it by faking confusion, "What?"

Dove was about to respond when Sparrow practically busted through the door.

"Hey, asshole, your weird and freakishly tall friend's at the door."

"Friend? I don't have--"

Only Harper is weird and freakishly tall. Killian realized.

"Does he have silver hair?"

"Yeah." He grimaced, "Looks hideous."

"Tell him I'm not around."

Sparrow smirked then cleared his throat before yelling, "HE SAYS TO COME UP TO HIS ROOM."

Killian's eyes widened and he sprang towards Sparrow with the sole purpose of punching his big mouth so hard his teeth fell out. Sparrow ducked then lifted his knee, aiming for Killian's groin. He got him right in the balls.

"Fucking-- I'll kill you!" He squeaked as he clutched his jewels for dear life.

Sparrow chuckled then threw up the peace sign, escaping into his room with Dove following soon after.

"Sorry about your dick."

In any other case, Killian would've found those words amusing. Now they just annoyed him. "What do you want, Harper?"

"I, uh...heard about what happened with West..." He stated as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah? Hear to gloat? You did say he'd break my heart."

Killian hobbled towards his single bed and sat down. They usually sat on the bed together, but this time, Harper stood in the doorway. He knew he wasn't welcomed in Killian's room, in his house. Not anymore.

"I'm not here to gloat. I'm here to check on my friend."

Killian let out an almost mocking laugh, "We're not friends, Harper. You made that very clear."

"I overreacted. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean anything. Please. I don't wanna lose you, too."

"You already lost me."

"Don't say that." He stepped into the room and closed the door, which earned him a scowl from Killian. "I was just... hurting. I was angry. And I took it all out on you. I shouldn't have, I should've talked to you about how I was feeling, about George, but truth is, I was confused. Still am. I just want all these weird feelings to go away. I just want to be me again. I made a mistake... with him... with you. Hurting you like that. I wish I could take it all back, but I can't. I'm sorry, okay? Please forgive me. I want my best friend back, I want us back." He pleaded.

"I think you should leave."

Harper solemnly nodded then reached for the door handle, "Just think about it, alright?" He gave Killian one last look, before pulling the door open and heading downstairs and disappearing into the night.

There's nothing to think about because I've already made up my mind. There is no 'us'.


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