New York City.

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"Guess what?"

Those were West's first words to Killian as soon as he opened the front door. After arranging the details of their first meeting with Simon, West had rushed down the stairs to let Paul know the good news, then over to Killian's house after that.

"Is something the matter?" He asked when Killian didn't answer him. He had a somber expression on his face, like he'd just received the worst news of his life.
Killian shifted from the doorway and made way for West to enter.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Killian questioned once the door was shut.
His reaction to someone keeping something from him would've normally been fury, but he couldn't find the strength to be angry when all he felt in that moment was fear and heartache. He was terrified of losing West.

"Tell you... what?"

"You're moving. In a month." He responded mirthlessly.


"And I had to find out from my mother, of all people."

How did Linda even find out? West silently pondered.

He reached for Killians hand and led him to the bottom of the stairwell so they could sit, "I was going to tell you." He admitted.
"I just didn't know how. Things have been going so well between us... I didn't want to ruin that."

"You should've told me..."

"I know. And I'm sorry."

"So... what does this mean?" He asked in a whisper. "For us?" He tried to get a read on West's emotions but he couldn't decipher much other than the feeling of dread.

West pulled his eyes away from Killian's face and stared ahead, "I don't want us to end..." He said after a few beats.

"Neither do I."

A heavy silence polluted the atmosphere. Breaking up wasn't even an option. Yes, the relationship was still new, but there were already a lot of feelings involved. Not to mention how long and strenuous the journey to get to that point was.
But some long distance relationships survived, right?

"I thought you were furthering your studies, too?" West deduced, breaking through some of the tension.

"I will. In time, but I don't know what I want to pursue yet. I want to be sure before acting impulsively. I'm happy where I am right now."

Killian was not ready to make a huge career decision just yet. Football was one of his greatest strengths, but he couldn't see himself playing forever. He wanted to take some time off to figure out what he truly liked and what made him happy. Working at Shirley's was one of the things that were able to put a smile on his face.

"I guess that's all that matters."

"Did Simon call you back?"

West's face seemed to light up after that question, he was looking forward to meeting his real father and learning more about the kind of person he was, "Yes, actually. He... wants to meet me. I'm heading to New York this weekend."

"See? I told you not to worry." Killian expressed gleefully. He knew that if Simon hadn't gotten back to West within twenty four hours, he personally would've hunted him down and kicked his arse into next Monday. But maybe not literally.
"Y'know, I've never been to New York before."

"If you pass your driver's test on Saturday then perhaps you can drive us there one day."

"When I pass my driver's test." Killian corrected. "How did Paul react to the news, anyway?"

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