If Not Now, Then When?

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Easton High was buzzing with excitement today. It was the month before prom, and a week before finals, so everyone was running around like headless chickens, especially Yolanda. She was trying to convince everyone to vote for her and Killian as prom King and Queen. Of course, they didn't need that much convincing, everyone either idolized, or feared her.

Killian had thought that the kids at school would turn him into a laughing stock after he had embarrassed himself, but nothing much had changed... on his side, that is.
West had received the short end of the stick once again, the name calling had gotten worse, and he swore he'd seen half of his teachers give him the stink eye. He had made a mistake, but people made it seem as if he had put Killian in a headlock and bit his ear off or something. It was truly exhausting.

"Fucking hell." West groaned as he collapsed next to Brittany's locker.

"What's up?"

"Your locker is on the other side of the world."

"You had the opportunity to use your skateboard." She smirked as she emptied the contents of her backpack into her locker.

"Yeah? And have Principal Hughes confiscate it like the last time? Plus... I don't have a board anymore."

Brittany dramatically gasped, "Impossible."

"Possible. I forgot it at the skate park the time I tried to teach Killian--" West paused, then cleared his throat. "I lost it."

"Of course, you did."

He rolled his eyes, then frowned as he took notice of a huge brown paper bag sitting at the bottom of Brittany's locker.

"What's in the bag?"

"If you're going to rob me, you could at least try to sound more threatening." Brittany deadpanned.


"It's a science project."

"In a paper bag?"

"Yeah." She slammed her locker shut then folded her arms, "Got a problem with that?"

"We didn't get a science project."

"You don't... do... science."

"Still. I didn't use paper bags to carry my science projects in middle school."

She gave West a blank stare, "You're annoying."

Her face contorted into a grimace as soon as she caught sight of a brunette walking towards them with her nose stuck high up in the air, though. "Don't look but, Ophelia's heading this way."

West inclined his head and sure enough, she was. She was practically skipping towards them with a stack of papers in her hands. He had a vague idea of why she was coming over to speak to them.

"Jesus, I said don't look!"

"Hey, West." Ophelia greeted in a sickly sweet voice. She gave Brittany a once-over and scowled, "Brittany."


"My name's Ophelia."

The corner of her mouth quirked up, "Oh, I know."

Brittany had never liked Ophelia. Her and Yolanda were most teenage girls' worst nightmare. (And every teenage boy's dream.) They would bully and embarrass the girls who they thought were below them, and sneer at the ones that were prettier than them. So just basic mean girls, really. Every highschool had those. Brittany still wondered what demon had possessed West into getting into a relationship with a person like that.

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