Hey, Dude.

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A/N: hello gay people, this is an unedited first draft which I am unfortunately too lazy to fix lol enjoy :)
High school parties were never West Rickert's thing. They were full of loud and obnoxious, horny teenagers who had the amazing ability to lose all control when it came to sex, drugs and alcohol.
But he'd made the stupid decision to spend his friday night there, and he was quickly coming to regret it.

He preferred the peace and quiet of his best friend Brittany's home, but of course, with his amazing luck, he couldn't stay the weekend at his safehouse because Brittany and her parents had to attend a funeral in Wyoming. He opened his messages and re-read the text Brittany had sent him almost 4 hours ago.

Red🌶: we're leaving for my great grandfather's funeral in an hour! u know, the one I've never even met -_- we'll be gone the entire weekend, I'm so sorry :(
tried to talk my parents into letting me stay but u know how they are, sorry again. Love u. x

West never replied to the text.
He had driven around aimlessly for close to an hour, before ending up on the rich side of town and deciding to join the swarm of teens gathered at a schoolmate's house. It was an impressive house, it wasn't a mansion, but it looked majestic standing next to the houses in his neck of the woods. He could only dream of living in a place like that.

The party was in full swing now, the DJ was playing some wack techno music, people were bumping and grinding against each other, and the repugnant smell of sweat and alcohol filled the room. West, who was now leaning against the wall in the far right corner felt like throwing up in his mouth. Everything hurt to watch, people looked ridiculous when they were intoxicated. He heaved himself off the wall and made his way outside, careful not to bump into any of the familiar strangers who were painfully dancing off-beat.

He fished his pockets for the box of cigarettes he had bought earlier along with a new lighter that had a crude image of cartoon breasts on the front and back. "Anime titties", the teenager at the convenience store had called them. If he hadn't been so desperate for a smoke then, he wouldn't have bought it, but alas, it had been the only one left.

He put the cigarette between his chapped lips and lit it, taking a drag every few seconds. His mind drifted, the music pumping from the house becoming a distant murmur. He wondered what his Dad was up to... shitfaced, probably drowning in his own vomit. Probably taking his frustrations out on the drywall. Probably, and most certainly, West would have to clean up after him, purchase another picture frame large enough to cover the freshly made hole in the wall.

"Hey, Dude." A hoarse voice uttered a couple feet away, pulling him from his thoughts, he hadn't noticed that someone else'd joined him outside. He tried to make out what the person looked like, but the spot they were standing in had no illumination. He could only see an outline of them.

"You must really like walls, this is like, the second wall I've seen you leaned up against tonight, haha."

West couldn't tell if the person was joking or not.

"Excuse me?"

The person cleared their throat and muttered something under their breath that sounded like "just a joke". West was about to suggest that they take comedy classes, but he wasn't about to waste his breath on whoever this person was.

"Uh, could I borrow your lighter, please?"

West nodded, then threw it to the mystery person, who only smirked at the design of his lighter before a low "Nice." escaped their lips.
They lit a cigarette, then threw the lighter back to West who caught it with ease.

The person then stepped into West's line of sight and stood right in front of him, grinning like a cheshire cat. He still couldn't see them all too well, but he knew now, it was probably just another drunk boy from his school. A creepy one at that.
The boy was tall, but not as tall as West, he was probably 5'10. West was 6'2.

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