A Minor Setback.

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Late saturday afternoon, West called Paul's phone to let him know that he was returning a day early. Simon, apparently had to fly to Singapore to sign a deal with a Top modeling agency that he had bought shares in.
Maybe they forgot sending documents via email was a real thing.

Paul's phone went straight to voicemail a few times, he only picked up after the fifth time.

"Hello?" Paul grunted. He'd had a rough night. Without even realizing it, he'd slept through half of Saturday.

"Dad, hey. I'm-- Are you okay? You sound weird."


"Oh. Just wanted to let you know I'm an hour away. I had to leave early, Simon had to rush somewhere. "

"Yeah, alright."

"Should I stop by the pharmacy and get you some painkillers?"

"No, I think I... have a few left upstairs."

"Alright, see you soon."

As soon as Paul hung up, he threw the phone onto the coffee table and it landed on the edge. A few seconds later it hit the floor, colliding with a couple of glass bottles. Beer bottles.

"Shit!" Paul cursed as he remembered the events of the previous night. He'd drunk himself to sleep once the crippling realization that he'd be alone forever set in. In his mind, alcohol was the only thing that would always be there for him, despite how destructive it was to his health and to the relationships around him.
At least that's how he felt last night. It was a new day, and with it, came a string of regrets.

He pulled himself off the couch with a bit of effort then reached for his phone so he could call the one person who he trusted to protect West's feelings better than he could.

"Killian-- Killian, it's Paul, I need your help, please come to the house as quick as you can."

About fifteen minutes later, Killian showed up at Paul's house and instantly let himself in. He hadn't specified what the problem was, but Killian suspected it was a serious emergency. Paul had never called him before.

A quick sweep of the entire living room and the mess it was in, however, made him turn back in the direction he came in. "I am not getting involved in this." He muttered to himself.

Upon hearing the front door open a second time, Paul emerged from the kitchen where he'd been disposing of a couple of beer bottles. "Killian."

Outraged, He turned to face him, ready to give him a piece of his mind but Paul's guilty expression immediately watered down all the rage he felt inside.

"I can't believe you did this." Killian sighed disappointedly. "If he finds out... it would kill him."

"I know. It's my fault. I... had a moment of weakness."

Killian stared at him in bewilderment before pointing out the state of the living room. "A moment?"

It was equivalent to the destruction caused by a bunch of rowdy teenagers after a drunken, rampageous romp around the house. All that was missing was property damage.
How one person managed to do all that was beyond him. Killian wondered if alcohol gave Paul some type of superpower or something.

"Please." Paul pleaded.

Killian had a bad feeling about what Paul was asking him to do, but nevertheless, he agreed. "Just... go take a shower, I'll deal with the mess down here."

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