The Flame.

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Killian texted Harper on Sunday morning. He was finally ready to talk, so he told him to be at Don's at 2pm.
He had come to a fair and just decision regarding their friendship. At least, he thought it was fair and just.

"Can I get you anything? It's All-you-can-eat Sunday." Harper asked while fiddling with his glass of water.

"No, thanks. I have to be at work in 20."


"I've been doing a lot of thinking... Remember the day I first set foot in this town?"

Harper smiled then brought the glass of water to his lips and took a sip, "I do."

"You were the first person to approach me. Even though I was a brooding mess... I was in a slump, my whole family was... what with my dad dying and all that. That was one thing I thought I'd never get over, my dad was my role model, still is. But you turned my life around, Harper. You made me find the joy in life again, you made me want to carry on. Words can't describe how grateful I am to you. You've done so much for me, I don't know how I can ever repay you." Killian took Harper's hands in his and gazed into his eyes.

"You're truly the kindest, most amazing person I've ever met. Which Is why I have to do this. You were there when I had my heart broken for the first time, and many times after that. But nothing can ever compare to what I felt when you said those words to me. I was convinced I knew heartbreak, but having your best friend turn on you is a different type of pain. I know you probably didn't mean it, but there was some modicum of truth hidden in your insults, they didn't just come out of nowhere.
And it hurts that that's what you think of me. I can't forget that. I forgive you, Harper. But our friendship is--" He took a deep breath, "It's beyond saving, now. I'm sorry."

Harper's breath quickened, his chest suddenly felt tight.
"Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

Killian shook his head as if to say 'no'.

"I can accept that. I'll--" Harper's voice broke as he tried to blink away the oncoming tears. "I'll always be here for you, though. Whenever you need me just... call."

"You're Good, Harper."

Harper nodded then got up without another word and sprinted to his car. He tried to catch his breath from the run, when he realized that he was actually hyperventilating. He closed his eyes and tried to force himself to calm down, but his heart starting pounding faster. He was sweating and shaking profusely, and before he knew it, he was a sobbing wreck.

Everything hurts. Please make it stop!

Harper Graham had been trying to make people happy all his life, all he's ever done was love and spread love. All that ever mattered to him was lighting up people's lives wherever he went. But now his flame had burned out.

Back at Shirley's shop, West awaited Killian's arrival. They had to have a serious Man to Man talk. He was done trying to apologize for something that could've easily been prevented. Killian would have to stop acting like child, it was getting old and West was fed up.

He walked through the door a few minutes later looking a bit worse for wear. He walked as if he was carrying the whole world on his shoulders.

I hope he's okay...


"Hi." Killian replied absentmindedly.
He could've sounded more enthusiastic but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't help but feel as if he had made a huge mistake by cutting Harper off. Two years of friendship down the drain... just like that. He felt guilty.

"Listen, we need to talk."

"Yeah." He nodded.

West led Killian into the garden. The sun was shining brightly upon all the flowers, the air was thick with their sweet scents, and the bees were happily feeding on their pollen. The garden was what happiness would look like if it had a physical form. It was West's second favorite place on Earth, the first being the skate park. Obviously.

They plopped down on a stone bench, a few feet away from each other. (A/N cause they're not gay)

"I feel like you didn't let me explain things to you." West began. He made sure to look Killian in the eye, so he could see that he was being sincere.

"Go on."

"I never got the chance to be myself. I never got the chance to be as bold and as open as you. What you did... It scared me to death. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, but... I was terrified...of my feelings... of my... dad. He's been mentally abusive for years, you know this. The things he's said to me will forever be ingrained into my mind, so naturally, my first instinct was to pull away. Because what else could I do? After so many years of being told that I wasn't valid, that I was a disgusting human being just because I was attracted to the same sex? What else could I do? I've never been with another guy before, Killian. And truth is, I don't think I'm ready yet."

He leaned back on the bench, all the while maintaining eye contact with Killian. He was still trying to read him, but surprisingly, for a guy who was very good at expressing how he felt, his face was stoic and devoid of any emotion. West broke eye contact and sighed.

"So, if you think this relationship is irreparable, We should at least try to be civil towards each other. We lost six customers this week alone because we couldn't settle our differences. Let's just try, okay? In two months, I'll be out of your hair for good. You won't ever have to see my face again."

What do you mean for good? Killian silently asked.

"We can do that." He said instead.
After the air was cleared, things went a whole lot smoother, the boys were interacting, but not like they used to. It was strictly a work relationship. There were no more jokes, no more flirty comments, and no more gifts in the form of flowers. But hey, at least Shirley's business was safe.

Word of advice; Never kiss your friends. Not without consent, anyway.


sorry for that authors note in the middle of the chapter I just miss Vine

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