Strawberry Pop Tarts

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"WESTON! Get down here!"


Paul had told West the night before that they'd finally be doing some much needed grocery shopping that morning. He hopped out of the shower then swiftly put on his grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, completing the 'lazy look' with his blue Vans.
He met his dad downstairs, then they climbed into his pick-up truck and pulled out of the driveway.

Paul switched on the radio and flipped through the different stations until he landed on a rock music station, a Led Zeppelin song was playing.
West grimaced, he hated rock music. He didn't appreciate the way the singers screamed into your ears. He was surprised to see his dad singing along, it made him smile for some reason.

"What're you smirking at, boy? My voice isn't that bad, is it?"

"No, your voice is fine."

His Dad winked, then went back to singing, or rather, screaming at the top of his lungs until they reached the grocery store.

Paul had asked Dennis for a few hundred dollars so they would be able to buy the food that West needed. They pushed the trolley through the different aisles, adding all the necessities into their trolley.

"You still like those pop tart things?" Paul inquired.

West shrugged, not really expecting much from Paul's random question. "I mean... sure, I guess."

Upon reaching the breakfast & cereal aisle, Paul grabbed some strawberry flavored pop tarts, (West's favorite) and threw them into the trolley, then sauntered towards the checkout, leaving West stunned beyond belief.
His dad hadn't bought those for him since 6th grade...
When he finally recovered from his shock, he saw Paul in the midst of conversation with a blonde woman.
As he approached his dad and the woman, Killian Ackerman emerged with a chocolate cake from another aisle, then put it in the woman's trolley. His eyes darted between the blonde woman and Killian, and he made the connection that she probably was his mother.

"Hello." West greeted.

Killian's whole face lit up when he saw who it was, it didn't go unnoticed by Paul, though. He looked at West, who had a veiled expression on his face, then shrugged.

"Anyway... Linda, Killian, this is my son, Weston."

"We kinda already know each other..." Killian said.

"Yeah. We work together." West confirmed.

Linda gave West a tight-lipped smile. She'd already heard the rumors about him and decided that they were true, so she wasn't all that excited to finally meet him.

"Why don't you kids go outside for a bit, I want to catch up with Linda, here."

Killian and West nodded, then stepped outside for a much needed smoke break. Paul spoke up when he was sure they were out of ear shot.

"You're back."

"I came back last year... when Rich died."

"Oh, Linda, I didn't know. I'm so sorry." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder to offer his sympathies. He and Richard were friends once upon a time, so he was genuinely sorry that he was no more.

"It's okay." She sighed, before asking the question that'd been on her mind since she saw West, "Does Weston know that you're not--"

Paul knew exactly where that question was headed, he put up his hand to prevent her from further continuing. "He knows."

"I thought you'd have given him up for adoption after Jenn died..."

"I couldn't. He is my son."

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