Tony Hawk and... Steven Murphy?

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"So how are we gonna do this? I literally have two left feet."

"It's easy."

"Oh, and did I mention my scars?"

Killian and West were at the skate park. After the school day had ended, West had volunteered to properly teach Killian how to skate. He had seemed eager to learn, but now that they were there, he had doubts.

"And how is your board still intact? It's hideous and it's ancient."

"This is a classic Tony Hawk board."

"Yeah, from 2000 BC." Killian shot back impassively.

"I don't think he existed in--"


"Look, we're already here. We might as well get it over and done with. I'll catch you if you fall."

"That last part has a serious double meaning. I like it." Killian winked cockily.

West blushed to the tips of his ears, then cleared his throat, "Shall we?"

"We shall."
So... West failed miserably. He couldn't teach Killian anything. He tried to show him the basics, but true to Killian's word, he did have two left feet. West couldn't count the number of times the guy had face-planted onto the rink. He now had several new bruises to add to his Scar Collection. They even tried skating with their hands held, but that only resulted in both of them eating shit, and unfortunately, a sprained shoulder for West.

After that incident, Killian had ushered West off the rink and sat him down onto the well manicured lawn so he could take a look at his shoulder. Killian offered to take off his long sleeved undershirt so that West could use it as a makeshift sling.
He kindly declined 600 times before giving in and letting Killian take care of him.

"Did you think about what we spoke about last Friday?" Killian inquired as he massaged West's shoulder to ease some of the pain.

"Yeah. I talked to him. Kinda."

"When you say talk..."

"I said more than 2 syllables, yes."

"Okay, but, is there a reason why you go hours without saying a word to anyone?"

"Talking is exhausting."

Killian gave West's shoulder a soft pat then collapsed on the lawn right next to him. "So is living with regret and words that were left unspoken..."

"I have no regrets currently."

"Okay," Killian sighed, "I won't force you into doing anything you're not comfortable with. Like I said, whenever you're ready--"

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Killian Ackerman. And what's this? You're hanging out with the local druggie?" A husky voice interjected. The boys raised their heads to look up at the figure towering over them and simultaneously grimaced when they recognized who it was.

Steven Murphy was truly a sight to behold. He was a tall fellow with lean muscles and a killer jawline that could cut through metal. He had perfect tapered hair which he dyed different colors every now and then, and the most captivating brown eyes in the whole of Easton. Those same eyes were the ones which drew Killian in when he first moved here. Steven was his first everything, and that included his first heartbreak. Matter of fact, Steven had a rough history with both Killian and West.

"Fuck off, Steven." West sneered. He quickly glanced over in Killian's direction. His usual sky blue eyes had darkened into a mixture of grays and blues and now resembled a storm at sea. He'd never seen Killian's eyes look so cold.

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