And You're Strong.

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West had been sitting in his car for a while. After Paul had apologized, he had ran out and drove to the skate park. The words his dad said to him kept repeating themselves over and over in his head. Paul had never, not once in his life apologized to West. He didn't know how to feel. He wanted to believe his dad, but he was scared Paul would turn around and take all those words back.

I can't trust him.

He felt underneath his car seat with his hands for his phone. He had switched it off after running out of his house, he wanted to be alone with his thoughts.
He switched it on and was immediately bombarded with 20 text messages and 5 missed calls. He read some from Brittany.

Red🌶: Are you okay???? Where are you??

Red🌶: Please answer me I'm 2 seconds away from busting down your door!

West opened a new message and texted her back.

W.R: I'm okay, sorry for bailing, something came up...I'll come over later.

He scrolled through the rest of his texts, most were from Paul apologizing repeatedly and asking where he'd disappeared to and if he was safe. He ignored those.

Red🌶: As long as you're okay. I'm here whenever you're ready to talk.

He was about to switch his cell off again when a call from 'Kill.A' came through. West stared at his phone for a few seconds with a raised eyebrow before putting it up to his ear. He waited for Killian to speak.

Kill.A: Hey, are you there?

W.R: Yeah.

Kill.A: Oh. I didn't really think you'd answer since it's already past 1 AM.

West checked the time on his car radio and sure enough it was 01:30 AM. He hadn't even noticed he'd been out that long.

Kill.A: West?

W.R: Yeah?

Kill.A: Are you alright?

A pause.

Kill.A: Where are you?

W.R: Uh, the-- the skate park.

Kill.A: Why? Should I come over there?

W.R: No, It's late, don't--

Kill.A: I'm coming over.

Killian hung up.

West rubbed a hand over his face and released a groan. Killian was a very energetic and talkative person, he wasn't sure he needed that right now.
A little while later, Killian arrived and tore West's passenger door open before plopping down on the seat, his face sweaty and his breath coming out in sharp pants.

"Why are you breathing so hard?"

"I thought I saw something following me, probably a ghost. I ran the whole way here." Killian claimed as he brought the sleeve of his sweatshirt to his forehead to wipe the beads of sweat that formed while he was running for dear life.

West wrinkled his nose, not quite believing that a ghost was chasing Killian. Ghosts didn't exist. It was probably just his own shadow.

"Oh. You okay?"

"Yeah, cool. Are you okay?"

West nodded stiffly and focused his eyes on the rink. While he appreciated Killian's concern, he didn't want to bother him with his problems. He still wanted to be alone, at least for a little while longer.

"Sorry for calling so late. I couldn't sleep, I'm guessing you couldn't either?"

"I guess you could say that. And you can call me... whenever. Even when you don't have a reason to--" He immediately cut himself off when he realized what he had just confessed.

Did I really just say that?

"I meant... I don't--"

Killian simultaneously shook his head and grinned. "Nope, you don't get to take that back, I'm gonna call you every single day."

West grimaced, but said nothing as he continued to stare into the dimly lit skating rink. A few moments passed and Killian sighed deeply, causing West to avert his eyes from the rink to look at him.

"I'm sorry. I can leave if you'd like."


Killian's face visibly brightened, and he inclined his head.

"I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"I'm a good listener..." He offered.

West considered Killian's words as he gazed into his twinkling, blue eyes.

Your eyes look so pretty in the moonlight.


Killian smiled, then waited for West to speak.

"I've been hurt. A lot. By the same person over and over again, today he said he was sorry..."

"Do you think he deserves your forgiveness?"

"No." He replied sternly.

"That's okay. It's not wrong. You don't have to if you're not ready. You have the right to be angry, but you can't live with the anger forever, Yes, he's hurt you, and you can't change the past but you can start where you are and change the ending. You have to find it in you to move beyond the pain, to forgive, but only when you're ready. Forgiveness is the greatest form of strength. And I know you're strong."

Killian took West's hand and intertwined it with his. He was expecting him to flinch but he only held onto Killian's hand tighter.

"It's not easy, and it will take time... but I honestly feel that people should forgive and love often because you never know what tomorrow brings. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, and you might never have the chance to forgive or love ever again. I'm not saying you should forget everything this person has ever done to you, No... but find it in your heart to forgive. It is possible to heal and move on. I'll be here with you every step of the way, if you let me."

West couldn't find the appropriate words to say to him after that. He was suddenly glad Killian called. He brought their intertwined hands to his lips and softly kissed Killian's knuckles, silent messages passing between the two of them.

I'm here for you.

Thank you.

author is not good with all this heartfelt shit I'm sorry babies

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