West Tells a Joke.

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Paul and West were finally heading home. After many tests and chest x-rays, the doctors were pleased to let The Rickerts know that Paul wasn't in need of corrective heart surgery, or a heart transplant, as the damage to his heart wasn't significant. He was put on a treatment plan, though. He'd have to take beta blockers for the rest of his life as he was now more at risk of sudden cardiac arrest. The hospital also offered him free treatment at their rehab facility, he'd have to check in once a week for at least 2 months for his medication and therapy.

"Those are really nice." Paul commented from the passenger side of West's car.

West eyed the flowers resting on the right side of the dashboard. "Uh, yeah." He nodded, "Killian got them for me."

"Rich's boy?"


"That was sweet of him."

West slowed down as he approached a red light. "He's sweet."

They sat in silence for a few seconds, waiting for the green light, with Fleetwood Mac's 'Dreams' playing in the background.

"I like Rich's boy!" West suddenly blurted as the light turned green.

"Okay." Paul didn't even bat an eye. He had figured something was up ever since he'd met Killian at the grocery store, so it was no surprise to him.

"Are you okay with that? Cause I wasn't for a very long time, but I think it's time for me to do what I want--"

"West, I don't mind it." Paul reassured, "I'm not about to tell you how to live your life. Not anymore. I say go for it."

"Yeah, I already asked him out on a date." He replied proudly. A month ago, he couldn't even ask Killian to lock up the store without receiving a scowl in return, now he was going out on an actual date with the guy. A guy.
Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?

"Oh? Where are you guys going?"

"I have no idea. I was trying to plan something, then realized I don't really know what he likes, or what he likes to eat... or his favorite restaurant." West started drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, he was stressing himself out for no particular reason. Killian was a simple person.

"Do you think I should wear, like, a suit? Wait... I don't even have a suit. But I want to impress him, what should I--"

"Calm down."

"I can't. I've never done this before, asking him out was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." West confessed with a pained look etched onto his face.

Paul caught the underlying message in West's words. He had been too scared of his dad in the past to even be seen with another boy.

"I'm sorry--"

"Don't." He immediately shut down his dad's oncoming apology speech, he was tired of hearing those. "I just really want to move on. I can't do that with you apologizing all the time."

Paul gave a barely noticeable nod, then faced the right side window. They arrived at their place a couple minutes later.

"We're here." West stated as he pulled into the driveway. He grimaced when he saw a police car parked out front. "Jesus, is that Dennis's car? I can't handle this right now."

West helped Paul out the car, then grabbed his night bag from the backseat.
He walked the small distance to the front door and unlocked it so everyone could get in.

"Thought you would've come to see me. At the hospital." Paul said once they were all inside.

Dennis winced, then sighed regretfully. "I did... for a while, then... I just needed time to think. I'm sorry."

"Listen, the medication they gave me is making me feel a bit woozy. I'm gonna go rest for a while, you know the way out." He turned in the direction of the stairs, then slowly climbed the steps, one by one.


West shook his head, then gave Dennis a tight lipped smile before heading up the stairs to help his dad. "He needs to rest. You can come back tomorrow."

After Helping Paul get into bed, he marched downstairs to fix a quick meal. He was disappointed to see that Dennis was still sulking on their couch. He rolled his eyes then entered the kitchen.
Dennis followed soon after.

"West, could we talk?"

"Do we have to?" West groaned as he scanned the inside of the refrigerator for something edible. It was empty, the only thing in there was half an onion, a bottle of water and apple juice.

"Well, no--"


"Please." Dennis pleaded.

West gave a reluctant nod, then got out two cups from the cupboard and poured apple juice in each of them. He passed one to Dennis.

"You were right."


"Everything. It was my fault. I should've fought harder instead of going out of my way to put the blame on Paul and you. I lost my only family in the process. Like you said, you-- You had nothing to do with this. I screwed things up on my own." Dennis stared down at his empty hands, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry."

"If I had a dollar for every time I heard those two words in the past month, I'd have like--"

"You haven't heard them from me, though." He interjected, "I've been dealt a shitty life, and instead of trying to make yours easier as your Uncle, I made it worse."

West's features softened. He felt like hugging his uncle, but he didn't really like his uncle, so he put his hands around his cup and took a sip of his juice, instead. "Is there a point to all of this?"

"I'm taking your advice, I feel it's not too late for me. I'm handing in my resignation at the station tomorrow--"

West literally spit out his juice, then gave Dennis an incredulous stare. "I don't remember telling you to quit your job."

"I know. But if I still want to realize my dreams, I gotta leave my cruddy past behind. Starting with my job..."

Uncle Dennis has well and truly lost his marbles.

"What about your kids? How are you gonna take care of 'em if you quit?"

Dennis shrugged then smiled sadly to himself. "Yeah... turns out none of them are mine. Winona was... also seeing someone on the side. I don't blame her, though."

"But she has... six kids... how are all of them not yours? Did you not sleep with her or something?" Dennis gave West a pointed look, which made him shrink back into his seat. "Sorry."

"To answer your question, I did sleep with her. But only a handful of times."

Well, you are gay...I wonder if Winona knows. West silently pondered.

"Right. So, about your job... Do you think the station will notice if we replace you with my Dad instead? We're literally a million dollars in debt after that long ass hospital stay."

Dennis expressionlessly stared right into West's eyes.

"It was--" West shook his head, then released a hopeless sigh. "It was a joke."

It's official, I'm changing my name to Killian 2.0.

"Oh." Dennis left the bar seat, then grabbed his cup and gulped down the apple juice at record speed, "Anyway, I need to go. I'll swing by later on..."

Please don't.

"Goodnight, Uncle Dennis."

West switched off all the house lights, then strolled to his room. He was about to enter, when Paul stuck his head out of his own bedroom's doorway. "What'd he want?"

"Nothing." West shrugged. "He just wanted me to know that he was quitting his job, and leaving his wife."


"It's a story for another day, dad."

"Hmm. Now, about that date 'o yours. I have some ideas..."

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