Daddy Issues.

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West stared at the tiny piece of paper in his hands. Never before had he been as terrified as he was in that moment.
The paper wasn't what was causing him concern, but rather what was written on it. Dennis had finally gotten ahold of Simon's contact details, he even managed to pull up his last known whereabouts; New York City.
West pulled out his phone and texted Killian urgently, he didn't want to be alone when it was time to call the man.

A street away from West's house, Killian was helping finishing up Sparrow's math homework when his phone buzzed from ontop of the coffee table. He excitedly unlocked it, but his smile soon turned into a frown when he saw West's text.

Weston❤ : 911!! Please, come over now!

He quickly wrote down the steps to do the last sum, then bolted out the house as fast as he could.
Upon reaching West's house, he knocked on the door twice, and when he didn't get a response, let himself in anyway.
He froze when he noticed Paul seated on the couch, though. It was rude to enter people's houses without them letting you in and Killian knew that, but it seemed as if Paul didn't even notice someone was in the room with him, it was obvious his mind was elsewhere, like something was really bothering him. Killian wondered if it had anything to do with West's 911 text.
He tiptoed up the stairs until he got to West's bedroom before pushing the door open.
West was sitting on the floor with a distressed look on his face, his hand tightly gripping a piece of paper.

"What's going on?" Killian asked worriedly.

West didn't say a word. He handed Killian the piece of paper, and the sight was enough to make his mouth fall wide open.

"Is this...?"

"Yeah." West responded softly.

Killian nodded, then dropped down on the wooden floor next to West, "So, uh... what do you-- what do you want to do?"

"Call, I guess?"

"Are you sure? I mean... are you ready for that?"

"No, and no. But I need to know."

West reached for his phone and dialed the number, it rang a couple of times before a man with a silvery voice and a slight accent picked up.


"Hi. Is this Simon?"

"Yes. Who is this?"


Simon waited for West to elaborate further, and when he didn't, released a slight cough.

"I'm sorry, I'm very busy at the moment, so--"

"Do you by chance, know a Jennifer Hastings?" Killian interjected upon noticing how overwhelmed West appeared.

There was a prolonged silence on the other end of the line.


"What is this about?"

"Well, she, uh, is my mother, and I-- you're my-- my father."

West immediately face palmed himself. The words had just spewed out of his mouth, he had no intention of being that straightforward.

"I don't understand. Jennifer, she... died. How can that be?"

"She, uh... she died when I was born."

"What did you say your name was again?"

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