Disturbing The Peace.

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"I should've stopped him from going to that fucking party!"

"Calm down, okay. No one knew this would happen."

The two were seated at a waiting area. They were told that the Sheriff was on his way, but they'd been waiting for over two hours, now. It was almost 4AM and Killian was cold, starving and pissed off. Knowing Dennis, he probably heard from one of the officers that his nephew was here, so he was intentionally taking his time getting to the station.

"Still. He's a B.I.O.A.T."

"Excuse me?"

"Biggest Idiot Of All Time. The fucker invented that term on Monday."

West shot Killian a confused look, "Oh."

They saw a police cruiser pull up in the parking lot through the glass doors. Dennis exited, looking all smug with a huge grin on his face and a styrofoam cup of coffee in one hand.

"Your dad's the sheriff?"

"That's his asshole twin, Dennis."



Dennis pushed the glass doors open and headed straight for the boys. He side eyed West, then looked over at Killian and smiled.

"You look just like your mom--"

"We're here for our friend. Could you get him out?"

Dennis finally acknowledged West's presence then scrunched up his face as if his voice was the most irritating sound he'd ever heard. He went to the reception area and asked the officer over there to hand him Harper's file.

"Let's see...uh, your friend...Harper Graham," Dennis frowned, "Jake's kid? I have to inform him of this--"

"Please don't. We're gonna bail him out."

"Well, are you little boys over the age of 18?" Dennis jeered while doing a bad impression of a small child.

"No. But we're turning 18 soon."

"Okay grown men, Bail's $1500."


The door to the station opened again. Dennis's eyes shot to the man who walked in and he instantly straightened.

"Sheriff. Do we have a problem here?" The man asked as he walked over to Dennis and towered over him.

Dennis cleared his throat, then adjusted the collar of his shirt as if it was the one making it hard for him to get a proper sentence out of his mouth. "Uh, no-- these uh, boys are here for-- for Harper Graham."

The man glanced over at West and Killian who were looking anywhere but in his direction. He was an intimidating man.
Dennis handed the file to him. West didn't miss how their fingers brushed over each other, though. He sniffled a laugh when he saw Dennis's flushed face. He'd never seen his uncle blush before. Cute, but also horrifying. This must be Detective John whats-his-name, as Paul had once put it.

Johnson gave Harper's file a once-over and smirked before reading the details out loud.
"Harper Graham, aged 17, Arrested for Public indecency, disrupting the peace and underage drinking. Neighbors reports say they awoke to a nude and pale, ghost-like man parading on their flowerbeds and chanting profanities."

Everyone in the reception area went dead quiet. That didn't sound like Harper, yeah he was a bit on the crazy side, but this was new. Killian concluded that someone must've slipped some drugs into his alcohol. Or maybe he just drank more than he could handle.

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