Consent Is Sexy.

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West and Killian were stuck working the night shift on Friday night. They were arranging bouquets of different flowers to put on display at the front of the store, and were also fixing up a couple of orders from the townspeople.

"You've improved."

"Thanks. That word document you compiled while you were ignoring me really helped."

"Uh... yeah. That was stupid of me."

"Relax." Killian said as he playfully punched West's arm. "I'm just yanking your chain."

"I know."

West took off his gloves and turned to face Killian. "Hey, uh, just out of curiosity... What are your favorite flowers?"

"It's a bit too early for wedding planning, don't you think? I mean, we haven't even gone on our first date yet." Killian teased.

"Is that a joke? I'm not good with jokes."

Killian smirked, then tied the final bow on some roses, and without looking up from them, replied, "Forget-me-nots."

West raised an eyebrow at Killian's answer, who acted like he didn't notice West burning holes onto his side.

He had always felt that flowers were a representation of one's feelings, that if you were to get flowers for someone, it was important for you to know what they meant. And not get the flowers just because they were aesthetically pleasing. Forget-me-nots didn't have a very... subtle meaning. Even the name spoke for itself. But he didn't want to question Killian about it. He was scared he might confirm his suspicions. So he played it cool.

"That's nice."

"Yeah. And yours are Carnations."

West nodded, "Amongst others."

Killian noticed that West was shifting around uncomfortably, so he decided to change the subject. He'd been wanting to ask him something, anyway.

"How do you know Steven?"

"It's a small town."

"Tell me."

"We went to school together."

Killian unblinkingly stared at West.

West met his unrelenting gaze and groaned. Killian was the persistent type and if he didn't say anything, they'd end up having a 4 hour staring competition... one that Killian was going to win.

"He forced himself on me in 6th grade, but--"


"Wait, no. That came out wrong. Well, not really-- He did hold me down, but he didn't--"

Killian's face flushed, he looked just about ready to drill a hole through Steven's skull. "Did he fucking hurt you?"

"He kissed me, but for like 5 seconds before my dad--"
West swallowed a knot in his throat. He hated thinking about that day.

"Your dad what?"

"My dad threw him out." He tore his eyes from Killian's then looked at the tiled floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

What is up with this town and secrets?

"West, I don't mean to be rude or nosy but... Is your dad the person who's been hurting you? Is he the one that asked for forgiveness?"

West paled, He should've known his injuries would never get past Killian. That observant son of a bitch. Most people just assumed he was part of underground wrestling, or that he fought drug dealers as a hobby. No one would ever think that Paul was the one inflicting them. A rumor once got out that Paul was abusive, though. But it only kept people talking for a few days before they got back to assuming the worst about West.

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