Part 16

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Teyha's Pov
We were in the waiting room. Me and Bryce were asleep, me head on his shoulder. Addison has been in labor for 2 hours now. I felt someone tap my shoulder. My eyelids slowing fluttered open to see Noah smiling wide.
Noah- Would you like to meet Octavia?
I jump up and shook Bryce awake.
Bryce- Huh?! What happened?!
Teyha- We are gonna go meet Octavia!
Bryce- Finally!
Bryce jumped up and we ran to Addison's room. Noah slowly opened the door. He peeked his head in.
Noah- We have visitors.
Noah led us in and on the bed was Addison holding baby Octavia. I jumped a bit excited and walked over.
Teyha- May I hold her?
Addison- Of course.
Addison gave me Octavia. She was so precious. I started talking to her and playing with her. Then Bryce took her. He was so happy.
Bryce- This just makes me want to have a kid even more.
I laughed and Bryce gave Octavia to Noah. I was so happy for them. I looked down at my stomach and smiled. I was gonna be in their position soon. Me and Bryce headed home after we said our goodbyes. We headed upstairs and I laid down on the bed. Bryce laid next to me. He cuddled me up in his arm.
Bryce- I cant wait to be a dad.
Teyha- I cant wait to be a family.

Skip to when Teyha is 8 1/2 months pregnant

Teyha's Pov
   I waddled over to the front door and invited Addison and Noah inside. Octavia is starting to walk. She is a very ambitious crawler. They've been coming over a lot. We are like a big family. Noah set Octavia down in the playroom. She immediately crawled over to an Elmo toy. She loved that toy.
Bryce- Why don't you guys take that toy home with you?
Noah- Bryce, you've asked that question like 70 times. Same answer this time. It's annoying as heck. So no thanks.
We all laughed and watched Octavia play.
Addison- So, Teyha, due in a week. How does it feel?
Teyha- Nerve racking.
Noah- We'll be right by your side.
Bryce- Especially me.
He kissed me forehead and sat down next to Octavia. He started tickling her and she just laughed away. It was so adorable. We all sat in the living room and ate some lunch as we talked about Octavia's first birthday. She is 6 months old. She only has half a year left. Addison and Noah decided it would be Elmo themed, since she takes a liking to Elmo. When they left, I went over and cuddled into Bryce. My stomach was really big now.
Bryce- Don't cuddled to much. You'll pop.
I fake punched him and laughed. He acted fake offended. I kissed him and looked into his eyes.
Teyha- You're gonna be a great father.
Bryce- And you are gonna be an even better mother.
I smiled and turned back to the tv. I drifted asleep not even realizing. I hadn't had anymore dreams of Larray since the last one. Sometimes I miss them. Brady come over the other day and checked on me. He was excited when he found out he was gonna be an uncle. I woke up the next morning with stomach pains.
Teyha- What time is it?
Bryce- 12 in the afternoon. How you feeling?
Teyha- Not good. Can you get me some Tylenol?
Bryce- Yeah. One second.
Bryce grabbed the medicine and gave me it with a cold glass of water.
Teyha- Thanks.
I took the medicine and laid my head back down. My eyes closed and I found myself asleep once again. This time when I woke up Bryce wasn't in the room anymore. I checked the time on my phone. It was 4 in the afternoon. My stomach still hurt. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I really had to go. I washed my hands and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and drink it all. I looked around the room and Bryce wasn't there. I decided to call him.


Teyha- Where are you?
Bryce- I'm at Noah's. Why?
Teyha- My stomach is really hurting. Can you head home?
Bryce- Yeah. I'll be there soon.
Teyha- Ok. See you then.

I put my phone down on the kitchen counter and went to the couch. I laid there for a bit and dozed off. When I woke up Bryce was on the other couch.
Teyha- Hi, Bryce.
Bryce- Hi, honey. It's 8. You've been sleeping a lot.
Teyha- I know.
I stood up and got dizzy. Bryce realized.
Bryce- You ok?
Teyha- I think I stood up too fast.
Then all of a sudden I past out. Then next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed.
Teyha- What happened?
Bryce- You past out.
Teyha- Is River ok?
Bryce- They ran some tests. River is perfect. The thing is....
Teyha- What?
Bryce- You actually went into labor.
I looked down and realized blood was on my legs.
Teyha- Where is he?
Bryce- He's fine. He is getting cleaned up. He weighs 6.5 pounds and is 25.4 inches long.
Teyha- Can I see him?
Bryce- They said they would bring him in when they are done cleaning him up.
I smiled and looked at Bryce.
Teyha- We did it.
The doctor came in and there he was. My precious baby. The doctor handed him to me. It was the best feeling ever. I was holding my son for the first time. I looked down. He was so handsome.
Teyha- He's a handsome little man.
Bryce- Our handsome little man.
Bryce came over and kissed me on the forehead. He then kissed River on the forehead.
Bryce- Daddy loves you.

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