Part 13

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Teyha's Pov
   I woke up with a headache. I think it was caused by my dream. In my dream, I was in the car accident with Larray. It all felt too real. I didn't pass away, but I was in a coma. I saw myself. I had a big gash across my forehead. Bruises everywhere. I remember right before we got hit, he threw his arm in front of me. They said he died immediately, but in my dream it felt real. Like he was showing me what happened, but in a way I was there. He was protecting someone from getting hurt, but who? The truck hit them first. Whoever was in the seat hit their head on the dashboard and went unconscious. The next scene was me and Larray rolling down a hill. I saw it. His blood everywhere. Glass all in him. He was bleeding out. His last words were "take care of her for me and tell her I love her." I could hear him, as if I was going in and out of consciousness. I don't remember anything else. I need to find out who was in the wreck though. Who needs to be taken care of? Was he talking about me? I was so confused. I got up and went downstairs. I took some medicine for my headache. My mind kept processing the dream over and over again. I grabbed a pen and paper and starting jotting things down.  It couldn't have been Jaden, Bryce, Addison, Avani, Anthony, Noah, or Brady. I started to think of who Larray was close with. That's when it hit me. I need to talk to a professional.
Brady- What are you doing?
Teyha- I had a dream.
Brady- That involves writing down notes.
Teyha- It was about Larray.
Brady- What was it?
Teyha- It was like I was in the wreck with him. It felt so real. Brady! I heard him!
Brady came over and hugged me. He studied my notes.
Brady- I'll help you. We have to get dressed first.
I ran upstairs and got changed into some jeans and a T-shirt. While I was waiting for Brady, Bryce texted me.
Teyha- Hey, Brady! Can Bryce come?!
Brady- Sure!
I texted Bryce what we were doing and he said he would join us. Brady came downstairs and we headed out the door. Bryce was leaned up against my car.
Bryce- You guys ready?
Teyha- Ready as I'll ever be.
I hopped in the car and so did they. Brady rode in backseat since me and Bryce are dating. I drove over to the doctor's and went straight to the front desk.
Teyha- Hey, ma'am? May I speak to the doctor that did the autopsy for Larray?
Receptionist- I'd ask you to give me a full name but there is only one Larray.
She giggled and I smiled a tad bit.
Receptionist- Go that way, room number 104 on the second floor.
She pointed the direction that we should go. I went first and they followed. Once in front of the door I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard footsteps and then the door opened.
Doctor- Hello?
Teyha- Are you the doctor that did the autopsy on Larray?
Doctor- Yes, and who might you be?
Teyha- I'm his sister. And I have a few questions?
Doctor- Come on in.
He gestured me to take a seat so I did. The boys sat in the corner of the room in two set up arm chairs.
Doctor- Hit me.
Teyha- Are you sure it was immediate death?
Doctor- Actually, a new autopsy is soon to be released. It actually wasn't instant death but death by blood lose.
My eyes went wide and I could feel Brady's eyes eyeing me. I was right.
Teyha- I think there may have been another passager. Were there bruises on his right arm?
Doctor- Yes there were. And there was another passager. I haven't got a lot info about them yet though.
Teyha- Well, have you seen them.
Doctor- Only pictures of their damage. I don't even know their name.
Teyha- If I am right, they have a gash on their forehead and bruises all over. The person is in a coma.
Doctor- You are exactly correct. One moment.
He pulled out a sketch of a person.
Doctor- Could you mark where you believe the gash and bruises were?
He handed me a pen and I begin marking. He eyed the image and compared it to other images he had. His eyes went wide.
Doctor- They all match up exactly.
Teyha- Wait, what are those?
Doctor- Pictures of the injuries. Sadly, no pictures of the victims face. How do you know all this? I am the only one who knows anything about the wreck's autopsy.
Teyha- I had a dream, in which I was in the place of the passager. Everything felt so real. I immediately jotted everything down. It felt so real I needed to talk to someone. So I came to you. Doctor- It's a good thing you did. You could help me. I need to know why he was in a rush. It may have been the diesel's fault, but I believe something important was happening.
I thought to myself for a second. I remembered something.
Teyha- He mentioned something. He said "take care of her and tell her I love her."
Doctor- Anything else?
Teyha- I just remembered something. I saw it but forgot about it. It was some papers, a contract maybe. It seemed important. It was on the dashboard. Something you had to sign. Maybe the person was a business person.
Doctor- That could be. I'll get a team to search the car.
Teyha- Thank you so much.
Doctor- No. Thank you. You've been a lot of help.
I got up and hugged the doctor. I left my number so he could call if he found anything out. Brady drove this time. When we got home, Bryce sat on the couch and put on Netflix. I laid down on his lap, and eventually drifted to sleep.
In Teyha's Dream
???- Larray, I hope you convince her. She is going to make a great addition.
Larray- I'll try. Tell him I said I'll do my best.
???- Will d- LARRAY WATCH OUT!!!

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