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This was literally the hardest chapter I have ever typed in my life and I'm sorry it took so long.

To say Saiki was nervous would be an understatement, this man was sweating. He told himself he was going to confess to you once he woke up. It's been roughly an hour and he'd played several scenarios through his head and none of them seem to hit the right mark. Naps are usually 2 hours long so he still had about another hour to contemplate how to tell you.

Saiki used his powers and teleported to the bottom of the ocean. —I just need to relax and think.

And so think he did. He thought about nothing, nothing at all. Being at the bottom in the ocean is kind of like being in a void. No air to breathe (not that Saiki had to worry about that), it's completely dark aside from the occasion bioluminescent fish swimming by, and your mind kind of just goes blank. Soon enough another hour past by and Saiki had somewhat of a plan.

You woke up and felt better than before. You washed your face and tried to pull yourself together. Walking around the treehouse you were looking for Saiki since you remembered that he stayed here while you took a nap. "Kusuo?" You pokes your head in a room but didn't see him there. —Maybe he's on the roof.

You quickly flew towards the the top of the treehouse and there he was. He just sat there eyes closed embracing the sounds of nature and his hair gently blew in the wind. You slightly blushed at the sight but you sat next to him. "Enjoying the breeze?" you asked.

"Yeah it's nice up here." You said nothing afterwords and just closed you eyes listening to the birds. "Um do you want to pick up some coffee jelly from a café?"

"I would love to. I haven't had some in a while actually."

"Let's fly there."


Saiki used his powers and made the both of you invisible. In order to make you invisible along with him he had to touch you so you two were holding hands as you flew through the skies.

"Do you ever wish that you could just lie down on a cloud?"

"You can't?" Saiki questioned.

"I may be all powerful but I'm not immune. I can still die from a venomous snake bite. I'm like a human but with some extra armor. But sadly cloud-sitting isn't one of my abilities." you whined.

"At least we can still touch them. Not everyone gets to fly in the sky without free-falling or being trapped in a giant hunk of metal."

You used your wind powers and changed the shape of one of the clouds. "Kusuo I made it a heart, it's just as big as yours!" Saiki looked at the cloud and sweat-dropped the cloud was like 20ft (6.1 meters) tall.

"If my heart was that big either I would be a giant or dead."

"Soooooo? It's my work of art you better appreciate it."

Saiki being the little mini god he is decided to shape another cloud. "Good grief, mine is better though."

You looked over to his and you were awestruck. The cloud was you and him dancing on the top of the treehouse that one night. The slight tints of orange and pink from the sunset made it even more beautiful. "I love it, I'm taking a picture of it and making it my lock screen." You quickly look a picture of it and looked back at Saiki. He was staring at you but you were staring at his eyes. Oh how you loved his eyes very much.

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