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Save Your Tears ~ The Weeknd

What are you guys doing to keep yourself entertained during quarantine?


You wiped the tears from from your eyes and sat up, "Thank you Kusuo..." You sniffled, "It's nice to talk to someone about this, I kind of just kept it to myself."

"You shouldn't be carrying around a burden like that. No one is going to blame you for what happened."

"I know b-but, I was suppose to protect the island!" You tears began falling down your face once more, "How can I be a guardian if I fail to guard anything! Because of me everyone on my island is dead!" You cried.

"It's not your fault." Saiki cupped your face and used his thumbs to wipe your tears away. You looked back at him and he smiled, "No one blames you for what happened. I know it's hard but I'll be here to help you through it."

You hugged him once more and buried your face into his chest. Saiki hugged you back and placed his chin on top of your head. He felt his heart beat a million times a second. There was no one else around to ruin the moment as he hugged you and listened to the sounds of the waterfall and the crickets. "Since you're being honest I guess I should be too." You looked up at him, a glint of confusion in your eyes. "I have psychic powers."

"Psychic powers? As in telekinesis?" You asked.

"Yeah, and I have a bunch more. I can read your mind too." He said poking your head.

"You must be part of the psychic clan then!" You looked at him surprised.

"I'm sorry what?" Saiki was genuinely confused.

"On my island there were people aside form the ones who wielded elements. They were like you with psychic powers and some could see ghost. But they left the island about 300 years ago wishing to experience to outside world and lead new lives. You could be one of their descendants."

"None of my family have psychic powers though..I was probably just born with it naturally."

"That could be a possibility, but the power could've become harder to come by when you have kids with people who have no powers."

"Hm." Saiki closed his eyes and thought about it a little.

"Kusuo do you hear that?"

He opened one eye and glanced at you, "Hear what?"

"The wind." You closed your eyes and so did Saiki. 

There was currently no wind so there was an awkward silence for a minute. As if the forest itself couldn't bare the awkwardness anymore it casted a strong but steady stream of wind. Saiki kept his eyes closed as the wind whistles and howled as it blew by his ears. —I feel like I can be at piece here, with her.

Next thing he knew it was morning, taking a look at his surroundings Saiki was still at the top of the tree. He noticed that you were a few feet away from him as well. Looking at his phone he saw the time was 10am, no notifications aside from the few mobile games that he downloaded. He turned to your sleeping form and smiled. Your face was still a bit red from your crying last night, Saiki felt a new bond, a new trust between you and him. Not only as being humans with powers, but being able to be open to each other more.

Saiki gently shook your shoulder, "Hey wake up."

Your eyebrows furrowed together and you rubbed your eyes as you groggily woke up, "Ku..suo?" you said quietly.

"Yep it's me, we fell asleep up here, it's morning."

You stretched out your legs and arched you back feeling satisfied when you heard a few cracks from your spine. "Goodmorning." you mumbled.

"Goodmorning." Saiki replied.

"We should probably take a bath since we fell asleep in our clothes from last night. There are some spare clean clothes in your room that you left from you last stay here. Towels are in your room too." You picked up the tray that still has some snacks on it and brought it to the kitchen.

You heard water running and assumed Saiki was in the shower. —I should shower myself too.

While you were washing your hair in the shower you couldn't help but think back to last night. You felt your heart rate increase and butterflies fluttered inside of your stomach. You hugged yourself remember the way Saiki gave you a hug. —His hugs are so warm and comforting. I'm so lucky to have a friend like him.

Your felt your face heat up as a blush crept onto your face. —AAh! Feelings are so weird to describe.

You stepped out of the shower and dried your hair after combing through it. You put on some burgundy gym shorts and a black T-shirt, no shoes because shoes are for wimps. You liked feeling the cold earth on your feet. You walked back to the kitchen and saw Saiki sitting at the table with his face in pure bliss as he ate coffee jelly. —So cute!

"I see you found the coffee jelly that I put in the fridge." You giggled as you grabbed a bowl for some cereal.

"Yeah it's great. Thanks for having me over. I really enjoy it here."

"Your welcome anytime."

After a relaxing conversation and good breakfast Saiki had to leave a bit early because his mom needed help with something.  You walked him to the cave and held some small talk, "And that's how Flame escaped prison in Zimbabwe!" You laughed, "Don't worry though, my dad worked it out and he's no longer a wanted fugitive."

Saiki has a small sweat gland nervously running down the side of his forehand as he heard the last part of the story. "Well that story was....interesting, but I got to go now. Thanks for having me over aga—"

You cut him off by giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you for all you did last night." There was a silence for about 10 seconds before you realize what you just did. You covered your face as it erupted in a very bright blush and you just stomped on the ground and let the earth drag you back to the treehouse from underground.

Saiki just stood there confused as he held his cheek with a small blush on his face.

Earth, Wind, Fire, and Telepathy?☑Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora