[4] Sunflowers and Bugs

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Buttercup ~ Jack Stauber



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It was the weekend and there was no school. The hospital didn't want to keep you and Flame locked in there forever so they let you go out to the park across the street.

"Here both of you take these buttons. The red button you press twice incase of an emergency, the yellow button your press twice if you are lost, and the green light incase you pressed the other buttons by accident. There is one for both of you and keep it on you at all times." The nurse told them both, "Now be back before 6 pm and please don't wander too far!" She smiled.

"Okay we promise!" You and Flame said together. You both then ran out of the hospital and across the street. The two kids went to the playground in the park and goofed off a bit. When no one was looking you would spray a bit of water on Flame and Flame would send a ring of smoke at your face since he can't throw fire at you.

As Flame was about to send another smoke ring to your face he noticed a kid sitting by himself in the sandbox. Flame walked over to you and whispered that you two should go and talk to him. You smiled knowing that Flame was a bit nervous to go alone and walked over to the sandbox with him.

When you reached the sandbox you crouched next to the kid, "Hey best buddy!" you smiled, "Do you mind if I call you my best buddy now? You seemed lonely so I thought you could play with me and my cousin!" The boy looked shocked.

"Are you sure you're talking to me? The other kids don't want to play with me because they said I looked scary." He said,

"Well there's no one else in front of me and-"

"Looks don't matter, it's all about attitude!" Flame interrupted.

"Wow that's soo cool your right!" He beamed, "My name is Nendou Riki! Since you are my best buddy you can call me Riki. You can too orange hair!" Nendou shouted as he pointed at Flame.

"L/n Y/n, but you can just call me Y/n!"

"L/n Flame, but just call me Flame."

"Can we go to that sunflower patch over there and find some bugs?" Nendou asked.

"Yaaay! I love bugs!" You screamed.

"Y/n you're drawing a lot of attention! Calm down before people think you're getting kidnapped." Flame lectured.

"Boo you're no fun." You stuck your tongue out at Flame and walked towards the sunflower patch with Nendou. You immediately started digging in the dirt getting your shorts and shirt dirty.

"Wow, you're different than the other girls I've met. They wouldn't even look at the dirt on the ground, but you jumped in it with no question!"

"That's Y/n for you."

You weren't really paying attention to their conversation, but then you saw it. One of the most beautiful creatures. You picked it up and ran towards the boys.

"Riki! Flame! I found a beetle, it's huge!" You showed them a beetle that was slightly bigger than your hand.

"Wow the beetle is so big!" Nendou shouted.

"Y/n, Riki look! I found a Praying Mantis." Flame showed the mantis to you and Nendou.

"Wow it's so green!" Your eyes sparkled as you looked at the creature.

"Flame! Y/n! I found a bee!" Nendou showed you both the bee that was perched on his arm. You watched the bee fly away after you went to look at it.

"Aw it flew away." The beetle asked you to put it down on the sunflower, "Okay Mr.Beetle I'll put you over here." You gently placed the beetle on the sunflower.

"Y/n who are you talking to?" Riki asked.

"I'm talking to the beetle Riki. Do you want to learn how to talk to bugs?"

"Totally! I love bugs!"

"Okay then I need you to get on one knee for me please."


Flame on que passed you a random stick he found on the ground. You then continued to tap the stick on either side of his shoulders.

"I the disciple of nature now grant you Riki Nendou the power of animal communication!" You then gave him the power to communicate and understand animals. Flame picked up a grasshopper and held it towards Nendou.

"Woah my body feels all tingly."

"Can you hear what he's saying?" Flame asked.

"First of all he is a she and Ms.Grasshopper is asking you to put you down before she bites your head off." Flame's face was priceless. He dropped the grasshopper quickly and you fell over laughing on the ground.

Flames face turned red, "I-It's not funny!"

"Hey thanks you two for being my best buddies, but I have to go because my mom is calling for me! Goodbye I'll see you whenever!" Nendou waved you two a goodbye.

"Bye Best buddy!" You shouted.

"Bye Riki!"

"Let's go back to the hospital Flame before they get worried," You said.

"Nurse Himari is gonna kill us for how dirty we got." Flame sighed, "I hope I didn't catch any diseases from that flower patch and I'm never ever picking up a grasshopper again."

You giggled at his words, "Hey Flame."


You dashed down the sidewalk. "Race you back to the hospital!" You shouted.

"Hey no fair you got a head start!" Flame shrieked as he began to pick up his pace. The streets were filled with you and Flame's laughter. —I love being here!

Edited 2/19/2020

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