Gonna Shoot a Shot

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It was another casual day at PK academy. The teacher was going off about a boring lecture, Flame's head was planted right on the desk since he was knocked out cold from staying up too late the previous night. Piko was sitting on his head ready to peck at anyone that would wake him up.

Yumehara was passing notes to Mera, Mera just drew a cow and started to daydream of different steak dishes. Teruashi being the perfect pretty girl she is was paying attention to the teacher and writing down notes. You were staring at the board, your head bobbing up and down. You had a lack of sleep as well since you were trying to catch up on some homework you missed.

Nendou was being Nendou and he was playing rock paper scissors by himself. Kaidou was drawing in his notebook what the leaders of Dark Reunion would look like.

When your head was about to make love with the desk below you, you suddenly heard a voice in your head. "Don't fall asleep Y/n."

Your head shot-up in shock and you looked around frantically. "Are you okay Y/n?" Teruhashi asked.

You waved her off, "I'm fine I just caught myself dozing off a bit."

"Oh okay!" she then went back to writing down notes.

You already knew that the voice in your head wasn't yours.—Kusuo was that you?!

"Yep, it's telepathy. We can talk to each other through our minds."

"Oh that's cool! Thanks for waking me up."

"It's fine, besides I don't think you'd want to be held back for a year."

"True, very true."

"Can you meet me on the side of the school at the end of the day?"


"Good grief just answer the question."

"Alright alright, yeah I can meet you there."

Soon your savior arrived which was the bell and you quickly placed your notebooks and headed back to class. You walked over to Flame and placed his stuff in his bag. "Piko would you like to do the honors?"

"Gladly" he chirped. Piko then hoped off of Flame's head and landed on his shoulder right next to his ear.

"Might want to cover your head everyone," you warned the other students. They already knew what to do since this became a common occurrence. All of the students and the teacher plugged their ears with their fingers.

You glanced at the students and turned your attention back towards Piko and he took a deep breath and screeched a loudly as possible for a bird of his species.

Flame immediately let out a girly screamed and jumped out of his chair in fear. "Piko I told you to stop that! Oh, wait did I sleep through the class again?"

The girls giggled at Flame's squeal and the boys wish they could give the bird a high five. "Good job Piko. Here's your bag Flame we gotta head to our next class now." you handed him his backpack.

"This bird is going to drive himself to an early grave and I'm going be deaf by age 20 if this keeps up." Flame wined as he walked with you to the next class.

"Finally!!" you cheered with happiness hearing the bell to indicate the end of school. Piko flew over to you and perched himself on your head. "How are you doing Piko?"

"When you think about it we're all just living on a ball-shaped rock speeding through the universe waiting to crash into something and die."

"I see you doing good. Want some food?"

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