Teruhashi's New Interest

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From when this chapter is published I will go on a 2 week hiatus (might be a bit longer) so I can plan out and type chapters for this story, others I have published, and ones that will be published later on.


While in school Flame heard some commotion out in the hallway and he decided to investigate it with Piko.

"All these people are interrupting my nap." The bird whined.

"Your naps are loud for a bird. How do you manage to snore with a beak?"

"I don't know how my body works it just happens."

Then Teruhashi walked by and invaded the conversation Flame was having. "Good morning L/n, Piko."

"Who is his lady she's pretty but she's rude."

"Shut up." Teruhashi looked shocked that someone would speak to her that way. "I'm sorry Teruhashi I was talking to Piko not you. Please forgive me!"

'Look at him begging me for forgiveness. It's only natural. I bet he can't even bare the thought of me dislike him. Then again he hasn't said oh wow or even blush at me yet. I'll forgive him if he at least says oh wow to me.'

Teruhashi did a trademark wink at him and he'd up the peace sign. "That's alright I know you didn't mean it. Hey what do you say, do you want to join me at a café later on?"

'If I corner him he'll have to feel guilt! Besides no one can deny an invite from me!'

"Sorry but no."


"Oh how come maybe there will be some other time?"

"Sorry I can't busy schedule. I'll see you around school though, bye!" With that Flame left to see what the commotion was about. Teruhashi was left in a state of shock of the other boys response.

'First Saiki now L/n too! This is outrageous and unforgivable! No matter what I will get them both to say oh wow, ever it's the last thing I do.'

Following Flame he finally found the source of commotion after jogging through some hallways. It was the new transfer student Reita Toritsuka apparently he can see guardian spirits. Flame thought it was ridiculous at first but then he was reminded hat he came from a sunken island full of people who wield elemental powers? Once all the girls cleared up Flame approached Toritsuka.

"Hey Toritsuka can you tell me my guardian spirit?"

At first try the boy was uninterested knowing it wasn't a girl who asked, but when he turned around he saw a very strange guardian spirit, none like he's seen before.

"Your guardian spirit is quite the one the behold. It's-"


My first attempt at a cliffhanger. Now sufferrrrr

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