Target: Flame L/n

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—Nothing suspicious about a pretty girl just walking through the halls. Just making sure that no trouble is going on. A certain blue haired beauty was walking through the halls in search of something or maybe someone.
—Where is he? She thought. Teruhashi was in search of your cousin Flame. She has the ultimate quest of making him say 'oh wow' along with Saiki. She would be after him right now but he's too caught up as of the moment. She soon spotted him talking with Kaidou, she waited for him to finish talking and when they were done she approached the target.

"Hello there L/n how is your day?"

"Oh Teruhashi I didn't see you there. My day is good I'm kind of tired."

"Where's Piko he's normally with you." Teruhashi put her index finger on her chin and tilted her head for an extra cute effect.

"Oh yeah Piko flew off somewhere about an hour ago he should be back any minute now though. I should probably go look for him he probably got lost."

—What! That had no affect on him! How is that possible! Nobody can completely ignore me. Am I a ghost?! Calm down Kokomi you're just over exaggerating  I bet he's freaking out on the inside but he just can't express his joy out loud. "Well if you don't mind I can help you look for Piko."

"Yeah that'll be great thanks Teruhashi!" Flame smiled. —I knew it no one can deny me!

So the two walked around the hallways of PK academy calling out for Piko. "Come on Piko I got those seeds you wanted."

"Piko please come out L/n is worried about you."

"Oh you don't have to use my last name anymore." Flame spoke out.

"Are you sure I feel like it would be improper."

"Nah it's cool it's weird to have people call me by my last name so much."

Yess! I get to call him by his first name I'm getting more progress with Flame than Saiki. Teruhashi internally cheered.

Where is that damn bird. He said he would be back. I wonder if he got stuck in the toilet again. Flame was annoyed he just wanted to get his education and Piko was holding him back from it. "Sorry to get you so tangled up with this Teruhashi. You can head back to class if you want I'll find him eventually.

As much as I would rather go to class I'm already this far and the perfect pretty girl never gives up! I must be the perfect role model for all 7 billon people on this earth. "No it's alright I'm glad to be helping a friend. A small feeling deep (very deep) inside Teruhashi felt sort of upset at her only calling him a friend, it was probably because he was said 'oh wow' to her yet. "Let's check the trees outside maybe Piko is out there."

"Good idea."

The two walked outside and looked up trees and called out for Piko. "Flame over here!" Teruhashi called. Flame jogged over to the tree where she was and looked up. "Look, the top branch in the right." She pointed.

There the bird was. Piko was sleeping on the branch very peacefully. Well right up until Flame yelled at him and woke him up, "I'm alive! What's going on?!" Piko shouted...well to Teruhashi it was just really loud chirping.

"Piko you told me you would be back and you didn't come back and I missed my entire class looking for you."

Why is he talking to a bird like it can understand him?

"Sorry about that this branch just looked so comfortable."

"Just please don't do it again."

"No promises." Piko then flew on top of Flame's head.

Flame turned towards Teruhashi and smiled, "Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it. Piko is important to me and even though he has an attitude he's a good friend."

"It's no problem really, I like helping out those who need it." Teruhashi gave her angel smile.

"We should be a to our next class."

"Oh right yes!"

Why is it that no matter how hard I try I can't get his proper attention! Why am I so frustrated over a guy! Wait if I'm always trying to her him so say oh wow and pay attention to does that mean.. oh my goodness it does! I think I might have a crush on Flame!

Earth, Wind, Fire, and Telepathy?☑Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ