Gym Time

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Song: Connection ~ One Republic

⚠️This is chapter is going to be short (Pt.2 later) and future ones are going to be delayed due to the fact that I have a finals next week and I have to study, Sorry!


"Flame keep your bird quiet or I'll send you to the principals office!"

"Sorry he's just hungry. Shut up Piko." Flame hissed.

"Boy don't you tell me to shut up I will poop on your head." I giggled at the two. They really compliment each other. I cant wait for this class to be over honestly it takes too long and the teacher is vey boring. I really want to get to P.E. (Physical Education) I heard we're playing soccer!

The bell rings and immediately get up and rush it to where the girls locker room is located. I quickly get changed into my gym clothes and head out. Soon enough other girls and boys go in and change and come out until everywhere is present and accounted for. I see Saiki and I walk over to him and lean into his ear. "I'll give you your cookies after gym that way you can restore our energy." He looked at me and nodded and I walked back to the girls.

Teruhashi then walked up to me, "Y/n just out of curiosity what were you whispering to Saiki just now?"

"Oh nothing it's just a deal I have with him."

"O-oh alright then." She then went back to listening to Matsuzaki, but I could tell it was still bothering her a bit.

"Alright girls go to the left and guys to the right! Y/n you're going to join the girls today."

"Aww come on let me play with the boys!"

"My class my rules."

"Fine." I tried not to be too mad but I softly walked over to the girls side and I maybe have left a small crater in the ground because I'm a bit salty.

"Boys you're playing soccer and girls ore playing volleyball. Now go pick you teams!"

While the boys were picking their teams The girls were struggling to pick a team captain. "Alright who wants to be one of the team captains?"

"Um I do." I said raising my hand.

"I would also like to volunteer." Teruhashi walked up next to me.

"Anyone have an issue with these two?" No one said anything so it was decided that Teruhashi and I were captains.

"Flip a coin to pick first?" I asked Teruhashi.

"Sure why not. I call Tails!"


Yumehara flipped the coin and it landed on tails. "Oh it looks like I get to pick first yay!"

"Aw man I wanted to pick first oh well."

"I pick Yumehara."

"Yo Mera come in my team!" And so it went on until the teams were even. I peer over I the boys soccer game a bit jeklus since I can't play with them. I saw that Saiki helped up Hairo when he fell before he could kick the ball into the goal. I admire his sportsmanship it's so cool! Teruhashi snapped me back into reality.

"Y/n who are you staring at?"

"Oh I was just watching the game a bit."

"Okay, since I picked first how about you serve first!"

"Yea thanks!" I grabbed the ball and tossed it to Mera. "Here Mera you serve the ball."

"Okay I got this!" Mera tossed ball up ink the air and then hit it over the net. Yumehara was pick to hit the ball up and then Teruhashi spiked it across. Good thing I was quick and hit the spike before I touched the ground. Another girl from my team ran over and spiked it once again across the net. This continued for a while until a girl on Teruhashi's team spiked it towards me and a bit to fast and it was about to hit my face. I put my arms in an "X" formation over my face to brace for impact but then the ball kind of jump dodged me?

That was unexpected but it hit the ground after it dodged me.

"Point to Teruhashi's team!" Mr. Matsuzaki shouted.

"Aw man, oh did good girls let's try to get he next point!" I shouted. We continued playing the game but I'm still wondering how hat ball just dodged my face since I didn't use any on my powers.

~The Soccer Field Saiki's POV ~

I saw the ball being spiked towards Y/n's face then I moved it away from her. I don't want my cookie supply to be damaged.

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