The Pure Tying

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Internally, she felt her stomach knot and tighten. Her skin felt cold, and her head ached with concern. Slowly, she sat straight up on the seat before she reached for the door to her right. (D/n) unlocked the car doors, and she stepped out onto the paved path leading to the entrance. The door closed behind her steadily, and when it closed all the way, she was tempted to open it again.

Barely, she registered her father coming around and carefully opening the front passenger door. He lifted her mother out and closed the door with his back before he began to head towards the home. "Come on, (f/n). Inside is better than the open, especially at this time." His words didn't make her move any faster. If anything, they only caused her to glance behind her instinctively.

Through the darkness, she couldn't see much, but she could distinguish enough that there was no one standing at the entrance to the funeral home. The gates were open, but no one was there. It was quiet, and the silence wasn't unnatural. There was the faint rustle of tree leaves in a light breeze, and that was it. Nothing unordinary jumped out of a nearby tree to greet her.

That's how it had been before the tunnels. After that, things jumping out of trees, attacking her in the dead of night, tormenting her when she was awake and asleep ... All of that became the norm, and she knew that she couldn't relax and settle back into that. The inside of her home awaited her, and what she found there would determine what came next.

When her father called her again, she turned back around and decreased the distance between them. Soon enough, there was the distinctive click of the door unlocking. Her father went in first so that he could tend to her mother. She came in after, and she closed and locked the front door. That wouldn't do much against the other creature, but it was something. Even buying a second of time could mean a lot when it came to Ether's species.

Something ... Her father said something, but she didn't register what. Instead, her eyes looked up the stairs leading to their home on top of the funeral home. (D/n) didn't call his daughter again; he knew what she was thinking about. The human male, though, did advise, "(F/n), I know that it won't do much, but take a flashlight. Or, just stay down here with your mother and I. You don't need to head up there now."

"I do. You know that." She briefly looked to him and gave a small, bitter smile. "Otherwise, both of us won't get any sleep here. Both of us need to know whether one of them is in here. I want to know what happened, but," she forced a reassuring smile upon her lips, "I'll take a flashlight. Look after mom. She needs it more than I do right now."

"Fine." He gave out a sigh. "But if something goes wrong, I'll stay down here with her. You run. I'll have the car ready and waiting to get you both out of here. I won't leave until I know that all three of you are safe."

"Yeah." She smiled and glanced to her mother's midsection slightly before she concentrated back on the steps. (F/n), though, averted her attention once more to the front desk. Going behind it, she grabbed the flashlight back there and began to head up the stairs. One at a time. Step by step. Breathe.

Inhaling and exhaling slowly, she managed to reach the middle of the stairs. The flashlight was on, and its light illuminated the path in front of her. She heard herself gulp at one point, and she took a moment to pause. Breathe. (F/n) repeated the word in her head, and she noticed that her right hand was shaking a little; she ignored it. Once she knew what had happened back in the factory, her hand might stop shaking.

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