The Wiley Stampede

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

As if time couldn't move quicker, the distance between them and the factory grew incredibly short. There was just one more turn in the road before the factory would come in sight. It only would be a few minutes before they reached that turn. (F/n) reminded herself of her conversation with Ether, and she told herself to count on him even if the statement would've seemed incredibly odd to make to herself before everything with the other creature had happened. She wondered how everyone in the back of the truck was doing, but she couldn't exactly head back there and ask. Hopefully, they would be able to carry through with their part of the plan, and, luckily, there was moonlight out to help guide them. They really did only have one shot at this.

Before she could think anymore on the subject, however, she saw something flash to the left of her. What it was clicked just as it hit her. It was time. The world faded from around her, and she felt herself lean to her right until her body slumped against the door. Her eyes closed, and darkness encompassed her. There was one last thought that passed through her mind before she became unconscious; pretend to sleep for as long as possible no matter what happens.

Ether's right hand returned to him, but he soon moved it closer to the shifter due to the upcoming curve. She was out cold, and he hoped that she wouldn't wake easily since that would permit him to make more noise and for longer. His hand rested on the shifter and performed the proper procedure, which was a little rough since his own nerves acted up for once. Admittedly, he was worried, but he knew that he couldn't show the emotion at all, or Callest would use it against him. Thankfully, his anger at Callest would hide his more troubled thoughts. A giggle escaped his lips as he thought about plunging his nails into the heart of Callest; the sounds and feeling would be pure sadistic rapture as he killed the creature who almost had killed his pink flower.

Rounding the curve and turning onto the straight part of the road, Ether focused his attention briefly on the driver's mirror. He saw Ren and Chris stop the car back at the curve. Good. He concentrated back on the path ahead. In the near distance, the factory stood. Its grey walls were raised three stories high, and most of the square-shaped windows on the levels were in poor condition. Ether could make out the main entrance doors, which had a large padlock and chains on them. Off to the left side was the ladder to the roof as well as the stairs to each level, and to the right was the entrance to the elevator. All around the building was a large barbwire fence, but the truck should be able to handle that.

Shifting up again, he accelerated the car, and his miles per hour increased. His hands gripped the wheel tight for the time being, but he was ready to fling himself over (f/n) when the truck crashed. Thankfully, there also were no people around the building or cars parked around it for that matter. It would just be Callest , him, (f/n) and the rest of the humans with them. He remained worried about his partner's wellbeing through the whole plan, but excitement rose in his bloodstream too. Finally, he could murder that a**hole.

The gate came closer, and he didn't slow down. He wondered what Callest was thinking in that moment as he heard and saw the semi truck raging towards the building. Ether began to count down on his fingers in his head. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Crash! Metal met the front of the truck, and the truck drove over it like it was nothing but thicker dirt. Behind the truck, the rest of the gate wobbled, but he paid little attention to that fact. Instead, his eyes averted completely to the entrance.

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