The Dire Backpack

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As she distanced herself from the locked door, her steps never slowed down. Up ahead was platform four, and she would have to take a right to head back to the entrance. That was all she had to do. Then, she could get help to rescue Deidre if she ... No, she still was alive; she had to be. Chris frowned heavily and tried not to let any tears slip. Once they did, she wouldn't be able to stop, and she would make herself too vulnerable in the situation. She had to concentrate on her task and not let her concern for her friend slow her down. The longer it took her to leave, the longer it took to retrieve aid for her friend.

But, there was the nagging feeling that Nick and Ren might be in trouble too. If they didn't meet her at the entrance, she ... Well, she really hoped that didn't happen. They had to be there. Otherwise, she might seem like a madwoman if she attempted to find help in town. With three of them, they would be more believable, and she would know that two of her other friends would be safe.

Unfortunately, her hope to find them at the entrance waiting diminished when she heard a violent slam and banging echoing behind her. There were no doors back that way unless ... Mentally, she cursed. A passage leading to gate two and platform three was back there, and there was a door leading to those two areas. That had to be the slamming sound, or it came from them closing and locking the bathroom door on platform two. Another option consisted of them being ... thrown around like ragdolls.

She grimaced at the thought, and her mind pictured both Ren and Nick bags of broken bones and ruptured organs. Her steps slowed, and she had to place her right hand on the dirtied, chipped wall to stabilize herself. Chris bent forward a bit and forced herself not to vomit. It wasn't the time for that, but that mental image disturbed her to no end. The fact that Deidre might be in a similar position only worsened it.

Since the slam and banging stopped, however, she hoped that meant that her friends still were alive and not killed in some gore-filled fashion. The creature, though, had mentioned that he had wished to talk to Nick, so he had a good chance of being alive ... right? As for Ren and Deidre, she didn't want to dwell on it anymore, but her mind refused to give her peace on the matter. It kept returning to their possible deaths as if it was a sadistic record player on repeat.

"Please be alright, all of you," she muttered to herself before she pushed herself off of the wall and continued down the hall to platform four. Nearing the platform, however, she noted something odd. She held up her flashlight and turned the beam on just a bit higher. It wasn't the creature, thankfully, but it definitely wasn't supposed to be there. Her steps slowed to a stop again, and her flashlight shone over the metal gate that blocked the door to the platform.

Listening for any footsteps and hearing none, she pulled out her map and drew marks on it for where the places were blocked, and her stomach tightened. She was sealed in. Ren had the bolt cutters, so she couldn't get through the gate, which was frustrating since the door on the other side of it was wide open. It was as though the creature was teasing her, and she recalled that the other one from Cankerfell liked to tease his victims too.

Shining the light back over the gate, she noted the light fixture just above the open door. It was peculiar and probably had been installed to add a bit of decoration to the dreary subway. The fixture was in the shape of a blooming flower, and the stem had a hook on it. Barely, she noted that there was an old piece of cut rope around the top, which made a memory click in her head. That fixture had been the cause of multiple suicides. If they didn't know about the creature roaming the subway, they would've placed a camera here for ghosts, but she figured that she still could place a camera in a hidden spot to retrieve later footage of the creature. Such film would be useful if they made it out alive and encountered the one from Cankerfell or the creature in the subway again; it would help with any creature for that matter.

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