The Windy Passerby

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

All of them stepped further onto the platform, and Nick cautiously moved towards the chair. His other teammates followed along, not breaking the formation for safety purposes, especially given the smell in the area. "If we are dealing with a demon," Chris began quietly, "why would it steal those items from those people? Was it merely trying to throw people off about what it was?"

"That might just be the case, and why it didn't go near any of our equipment," Nick answered, jumping onto the tracks and approaching the chair for a closer look. Ren shone the flashlight around the chair and nearby tracks, but he had dimmed it slightly more given the situation, so the light didn't stretch out too far. Such an action meant that it didn't reveal the other item in the area, and none of them knew that the chair had been moved a distance away from where the smell was originating.

Crouching beside the chair and cables, Nick examined the items and signaled for Ren to shine the flashlight directly on the objects. "That's odd." His teammates leaned in closer at his remark. "The bottom of the front legs of the chair seemed to be coated in what looks like vomit." Momentarily, he moved the camera down since the flashlight was enough, and he desired for a better look at the scene.

"Do you think that belongs to one of the missing people?" Deidre questioned, more notes being written on the notepad. Chris pulled out her own notepad to scribble a few things down too.

"It might; it doesn't seem too old." His brown optics focused on the cables only, and he squinted at a slight discoloration on the blue and yellow ones. Nick lifted them up, and his stomach formed an even tighter ball: blood. It was dried, but given the state of the throw-up, it probably was recent too. "We should move out of this area." He held up the cables. "There's blood on these, and I doubt that it's old."

Before any of them could get up, however, a sharp gust of wind blew past them. The awful rotting smell traveled with it, and they all froze on the spot. Deidre coughed from the strength of the stench, and Ren shone his flashlight around the area while Chris put away her notepad and held onto the blueprints tightly. Nick held the video camera up to his face again, and nothing out of the ordinary showed up on it.

Slowly, everyone stood up fully and calmed down a little bit. "Do you think ..." Chris trailed off, staring to where they had come from. Ren rested a hand on her left shoulder and squeezed it a little. His green-hazel optics switched over to Nick.

"I think that we have enough answers for right now." Nick looked over to Deidre. "Place down the video camera by this chair, and we'll leave that here, though; I doubt that it'll last long." She nodded and got to work. He averted his gaze to Ren and Chris. "We need more help. This is out of our league now." The calm urgency in his voice was enough to send chills up their spines, and Deidre tried not to fumble with setting up the camera in the process.

As they waited, Ren increased the brightness of the flashlight since he figured that the thing already knew where they were, so there was no point in putting themselves at further disadvantage. When he did so, though, he turned around briefly in the process to double check that nothing was behind them. There was no one or no being behind them, but the light did catch something even more troubling. "Nick," he started, his eyes not leaving the sight. His tone was hesitant and fearful. That was enough to catch Nick's attention, and he followed his friend's gaze down the tracks.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin