The Safe Shop

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Wind blew roughly outside, and snow descended from the sky in heavy quantities. The weather was anything but pleasant, and it wasn't going to improve any time soon. Few traveled along the roads in such conditions, especially since it was nine in the evening; however, there still were a few. A green neon sign read Tabby's Diner while a blue and red one spelled out Open. There were four cars in the parking space, and they would be coated in snow within the hour if that didn't happen sooner, but the diner was open twenty-four-seven. Those who were in there presently intended to stay for the night or until the storm cleared at the very least.

Glass windows shielded the patrons from the brutal weather outside, and the doors rattled a little from the wind. The owner, Tabby, eventually locked the doors so that the wind wouldn't accidentally blow them open and ruin the warm temperature inside. If someone else came along, she, naturally, would open the doors for them before locking them once more.

Despite the weather, the power was holding on, and the news played on a television in the upper back left corner. Pictures from the story couldn't be shown due to the graphic nature of them, and the case of the missing middle school children had been solved ... to a degree. Earlier, their babysitter, Mae Aquis, had been found in the back of a large four-door car, which had been driven and, presumably, hidden behind a huge rock formation. She had been locked in the trunk of the car, which had been sealed off from the rest of the car and had no lock/unlock buttons in the back; she had died of dehydration.

The missing children Terry Gluson and Oliver Lahim finally have been found, though, in ... startling conditions. Photos of the scene are being withheld due to the graphic nature of them, and the description might be disturbing to viewers too, so please listen with caution. Ms. Gluson had been discovered with her wrists and legs broken and a cracked skull, but she had died from her neck being slit open. Mr. Lahim had been found with multiple cuts over his body, a broken arm and some of his ... fingers ripped off.

Momentarily, the newswoman took a break. She clearly was struggling with reading the script she was given, and she looked like she might be sick. The woman gulped and managed to compose herself before she continued.

Despite this, he had died from dehydration. His prints had been discovered on the broken butcher knife used to kill Ms. Gluson, and it can be presumed that a fight had occurred between the two. Other prints were on the knife, but they were too ruined to pull anything from them. The other two children, Gretchen Hanwater and Leon Airclear, still are missing, but Ms. Hanwater's blood was found in another part of the cave where Ms. Gluson and Mr. Lahim were discovered. Evidence of Mr. Airclear, though, in the cave is absent, and it might be the case that the children turned on each other in some manner and a fight broke out. Police remain uncertain at this moment, and several cases of too ruined, unidentified fingerprints littered the rooms of the cave investigated so far. You can find more on this ...

Tuning out the rest of the story, one of the customers of the diner averted his attention to out the window by him. The gruesome nature of it all reminded him of the horrid stories he had heard about that ... thing, and some part of him wondered if the creature had been involved in those children's deaths. Otherwise, the story sounded too bizarre on its own. Then again, his theory, his hunch was far-fetched too to anyone who hadn't dealt with the creature. He hadn't handled the thing directly, but he had helped (f/n) (l/n), who was closer than anyone to the creature. That experience had contained enough fear and adrenaline on its own.

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